I've been pretty bad at keeping up on the blog, so if your not up for a long post, stop here. This summer has gone by way too fast. It's been our first real summer since we've always been on year round. It's got it's pros and cons but I really thought it would feel longer than it did. Guess we were having too much fun!
As you can see we are still just in love with our little Mercedes if not more. The kids love when she lays with them at bed time. Her chubbiness makes her look older than she is but also makes us want to squeeze her more. She's starting to laugh at us and smiles at us all the time! Boy is that rewarding!
We have come to love our local skate park but have to get there before the real pros get there.
We took a two week trip to Utah to see family. We went to the new City Creek Mall downtown for the first time and played in the water features.
We took the kids to see Temple Square since we can't remember the last time we did.
And of course everyone fell in love again with cousin Whitney! Come stay with us Whit!!! She really is magical.
Mercedes and Poger have a real connection... Is it the car connection?
Kamryn didn't hesitate jumping of the diving board for the first time. She even went on the big tube behind the boat with Corbin for the first time. Ashlyn on the other hand swears she won't ever ride the tube again because she fell off and got sucked under a bit.
We livened up the cousin pool time with huge water balloons everyone called their "babies"
We visited my brother, Jameson, and my sister, Carianne, in Provo and walked the BYU campus
We sat in the seats where Connor and I met- in the 1,000 person American Heritage class
Connor turned 33!! Can't believe how old we are getting!
Mercedes took her first dip in the pool, she enjoyed it, but I think she enjoys her baths more.
Kamryn and I had a little date one night and this is what she wanted to do...
Tutu and Papa Steve took us kayaking and Stand up Paddle boarding. Dylan fell in love with the SUP! He could have stayed out all day. He even asked if he could eat his lunch out on it!
Jill Moyer and I were crazy enough to take all 9 kids on a hike to Castlewood Canyon.
We planed to enjoy a Friday night at the pool with the Mojica's when the pool closed due to lightening. So we decided to play tennis. Well, we played tennis in our swim suites, in the rain, and in the gusty wind. But we didn't let that slow us down!
Last week the whole King clan went up to Winter Park. We had so much fun!
We rode the free cabriolet from the parking lot to the Village
Then road the chair lift up to the top of the Alpine slide. My kids cried because they wanted to ride the slide again!
And of course cousin time was precious
Carianne of course was the favorite aunt...and ride
Lots of Mountain biking
(4 generations hiked!!!)

Horse back riding
Hot tubbing- we maxed out the capacity even more than this photo and then attempted to play Do You Like Your Neighbor. When we got out, the hot tub was only half full! We also played sharks and minnows in the big pool.
Polar bear plunge. Nate- still waiting for my badge!
Biking- 12 bikes, two tag-alongs, 3 trailers- what a train!
Not pictured is a Fulford Cave expedition, yummy food, minute to win it Oreo challenge, playing Things, Carianne's amazing ukelele talent, early morning trail runs, far too many deserts for the good of my donut, more 4 wheeling for Connor, Cousin Emma's baptism, slacklining, kayaking, Stand up paddle boarding and BBQing. Boy did we have a blast! And boy were we tried. Now we have just one week to recover before school starts!
Can't believe this guys is starting Kindergarten! (it's Corbin under all those dress ups)
And Dylan and I took advantage of a morning swim while we still can
Can't believe summer is almost over.