It has been over a week, but I wanted to make sure I gave Dylan's Birthday the attention it deserved. I have truly loved the last four years! I have grown and learned so much more than I ever could in any other way. There have definitely been challenging moments, but then you have one of those spectacular moments that make all the hard ones melt away. I am so proud of my little Dylan, who isn't so little anymore. He is a big brother X2!! He is incredibly talented physically (as you all know) yet he amazes me intellectually all the time. He has a great memory and loves learning- when he can manage to sit long enough! This is just a little picture of his birthday. He got a red, hooded towel (for lightening and Rocket), a punching bag (which is already dead), a remote control car that he built with dad, and Rocket (from Little Einsteins.) He had a great day and fought hard in an attempt to not let it end! I have to admit that Dylan has been quite tough to handle lately. Connor complains often about the consequences I tell Dylan he will receive, yet I have no intention, or I literally can not enforce them. For example; I told Dylan he couldn't turn four if he didn't act like it! Connor just laughed. But it worked! I guess I need to work harder on only dishing out what I can really enforce!

Here is our little Corbin with his eyes open -and crossed. No matter how many pictures I take of him I can never capture how cute he is. He has his own little look, but he is so handsome!!! I didn't think my kids could get any cutter (no matter how biased I am.) So I guess you all will have to see him to believe it. Sometimes I wonder if we came home with the right baby. I don't know if he is really a Thompson. All the babies I have had wake up 3-4 times a night. Corbin wakes up only 2 times. There were a few good nights that I put him to bed around midnight and he only woke up once! But I might jinx myself for even bringing it up. I also have learned how to do just about everything while nursing! Corbin is really a great baby and is so patient with Dylan and Ashlyn always wanting to hold him or help with him. He truly is a gift from Heaven!

I also wanted to make a tribute to my parents. They came just in time to rescue us from the chaos. I don't know who had more fun, my parents or the kids. But I want them to know how much I appreciate their help. They did an amazing job of entertaining my kids, cleaning my house, making the meals and letting me rest. I attribute my recovery to them. I wouldn't be up walking today if it wasn't for them. I am amazed at how well they can keep up with my kids and still have enough energy to fix my broken coat tree and clean my bathroom! I love you both so much! Thank you, than you, thank you!
michal, you can still tell that he is supercute! i think he looks like a thompson in that picture. it is so fun to see how different siblings turn out. i am so curious to see what this little guy will look like! oh, and i like the name corbin that you guys picked, very cute!
and happy birthday to Dylan!!
Looks like things are still running as usual. Of course they are. So glad your parents could come help, and that you sound like you're not hormonally over-run right now despite post-partum. You're doing so great! Happy bday dylan!
Nice choice of blog background. Great minds think alike, right? Corbin is super cute, even with his eyes crossed. And Happy Birthday to Dylan! I hope Corbin's good sleeping habits continue! What a blessing!
More pictures yay! You folks have been busy. Good to see that all is going well. What a cute baby boy! Parents are so awesome. Sometimes we are so ready to be independent from them, we forget how amazingly helpful they still can be. -Megg
Michal, sounds like you are up a going so well! You are amazing when it comes to childbirth! Way to go! Sounds like Dylan had a good birthday! Happy Birthday- we're trying to get things together for the mail- sorry we are a bit slow! Your blog is so cute! I am so glad Corbin has been a good sleeper! That is such a great deal when you can get sleep with a new baby! WOW! Take care, Laurel
Corbin looks super cute. He does look like a Thompson, but not as much as Dylan and Ashlyn. Maybe he will look a little like a King. That is also great that Corbin is sleeping so well. It looks like you are handling three kids easy. Thanks so much for the card to tell us all the things you loved this year. Ellie loves looking at the pictures of your kiddos.
HOORAY! I am so happy you are a blogger because I get so sad when I think of leaving all of my new friends in Cleveland. This way we can keep in touch and we can keep an eye on your darlings! Corbin is so adorable! Congratulations-I can't wait to snuggle him!!!
you deserve a good sleeper for baby #3! He is a cutie. And I'm glad you had some help soon after he was born so that you could rest while someone else helped you catch up on the housework--that's just how it should be!
Happy birthday Dylan!!
Corbin is a little cutie... and he's a sleeper!! Woohoo!!! Let's hope he stays that way!
I wanna see pics of you! You're probably back to your cute little self, I have no doubt.
Love ya!!
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