This 5k was coupled with a day of service. Every participant brought food and clothing to donate for the needy.
The winner of the Raleigh Marathon presented the awards. I felt so cool! Not to mention how cool and fast Dylan thought I was! Since I was the women's leader, I got to be interviewed. When I get the link for it, I will post it! But enjoy these pics for now!
way to go! that is so awesome. how fast did you run it?
You are amazing! I mean wow! 1st place. That is fantastic. And you look great. Way to go! Love you.
Great Job! You are looking FABULOUS!!!
That is soooo awesome! I have never been much of a runner but i think it is still fun to do races, I am very impressed!
Wow. But let's be honest, I'm not surprised. When we would go running together, I have 5 inches on you and I still struggled to keep up!
Man, I have the coolest sister in the universe! I can't believe you! You're amazing!
Way to go! You are amazing
woot woot! that is amazing! way to go!!
Still so proud of my favorite running partner!!
Way to go! That is so cool. I bet that felt great to win!
Congrats! You are a star!
I am totally not surprised!! In fact, I actually thought to myself, I wonder how that race went, I bet Michal won. Is the dude in the green adidas shirt the guy who won the Raleigh marathon? He's new in our ward, but I don't know his name. Oliver spilled milk all over the back of his suit one Sunday though.
Congrats!!! Look at you mommy of three!!!
Wow, That is cool and you should feel good about it! Thanks for boasting. It really is something to be proud of.
So awesome! Is that for the church's Day of Service and if so, I am loving that idea...that's terrific.
Wow! Congratulations! I'm way impressed. How fast did you run it? I can't wait for the interview link...way cool!
W.O.W. Way to go! That's pretty impressive!
WHAT!?!? Just in case you weren't ALREADY the coolest person I know, now you are OFFICIALLY the coolest person I know! Props, girl!
You are amazing! I really want to get back into running once I have my baby. That is so cool you make time for it with all your little ones! You go girl! What an inspiration you are to us all! Your kids are all so cute, too. How is the weather in Raleigh?
It's already been said 20 times, but whatev. I'm saying it, too. That is so awesome. Nice job! And I think I might be too intimidated to ever run with you.
You are amazing!
It's so fun getting back in to the blogging world! I've been out of it for a while, but I love catching up!
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