You know those books... "if you give a mouse a cookie", "if you give a mouse a muffiin", "if you give a pig a party", "if you give a cat a cake", " if you take a mouse to the movies", "if you take a mouse to school"?

After many years I finally was able to relate how I feel when I am cleaning up my house- I get super distracted. I start doing one thing and before I have finished it I have started another thing. This continues until I have many half finished things going on at the same time. Maybe Laura used her experiences at home to help her write her books. I should do that!
Best post Ever!
I agree! Sometimes I think I have ADHD when it comes to doing things at home. I go from one thing to another without finishing anything.
Sooooooo true! And sometimes it's not me being distracted as much as it's chasing after kids when they're about to undo everything I've done....
Great post!! Completely true!!
So true. Loved your pics from Spain! I hope you guys are doing well. I'll be out of shape but ready for a run when I get back. :)
You should really write that book (If you give a mom a mop)! I would buy it! ;)
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