Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Leaves, Leaves and more Leaves!!

This is for all my friends in Boston who wish they had a house (or even a yard), and also for my friends and family who live in the dry West who wish they had greener vegetation.

This picture represents what I did today- ALL day! This is 1 of 5 piles of leaves that I raked in the BACKYARD alone- and only two weeks worth of leaves. I promise that this pile is bigger than it looks in the picture (taken by Dylan who refused to come out and be in it- pretty good for a three year old)! But it didn't end at making huge piles. I then had to rake them onto a tarp and pull them to the front curb. I decided our curb isn't big enough. I also didn't realize how heavy leaves are! By the last few loads I also had a couple of kids on the tarp as well. I didn't know it would be so hard to juggle leaf raking and two kids in the cold! So nap time, and a little TV really helped. It didn't help that my Dylan, with his three year old curiosity (those with three year olds know what I mean) asked why we have to rake the leaves. It really made me rethink the worth of what I was doing.

Most of you are probably wondering why a 7 month pregnant woman is raking so many leaves. Today was one of a VERY FEW dry, and amazingly sunny, days here. I had to take advantage of being able to rake dry leaves, wet ones are even harder to rake! I also have a husband who gets home after dark and I wanted to spare him the hours in the dark. To top it off- our "leaf guy" comes any day now to suck up our leaves.

So to all of those who don't even own a rake- I envied you today!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Moving Again!!

I know we just got to Cleveland. However, Connor's employer, Eaton, has already asked us to submit our request for next year. We were hoping we would be able to stick around for his second rotation, but the plant here in Cleveland is not included in the program. So we will be in Raleigh, NC next August. For all of those who need a break from the cold weather next winter, we welcome you all! We also wanted to get a taste for the entire country before settling down back in the West! So to add to our adventures of the Northeast, the Midwest, now we will see the South!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

An adventure into Upholstery

Here is my latest project. I found a cute kids chair at a garage sale for $3. I was so excited about my find. But Connor was not too impressed. So I set out to recover the chair. Not bad for my first time huh? However, I think I should have sent Connor out to find the new fabric! Amazing how passionate a man can be in home decor!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My Sweet Little Girl!

I know this is the moment you have all been waiting for! We finally figured out our picture problem. We thought we had a virus on our computer and so after a lot of help we corrected the problem. So I have added some much needed pictures to our past blogs.

These are just a few of my favorite pictures of Ashlyn. I hope they make you laugh as much as they did me! She really loves to be like Dylan. So here she is in his underwear, in his pajamas, refusing to wear clothes like Dylan, but then also loving chocolate like her mom. She has even showed interest in the potty. It is still a work in progress but she does like to try to pee standing! I will let you all know how that goes!
I have also changed our blog background. However, On different computers it views different. Please let me know how it looks on your computer so I can make adjustments!