No, this is not in regards to the birth of our third child. I wish I could say that it was. Too bad we are all sleep deprived before the big bang actually begins! It is 11pm and I am of course sitting here writing a post on our blog listening to Dylan scream his head off. At this moment I am wishing he was 8 months old again- knowing that he really COULD cry himself to sleep. However, now that he is almost 4, it doesn't work that way. Crying actually does the opposite, it gets him all worked up and hysterical. He has already lost so many privileges for tomorrow that I already dread waking up. He is just going to cry all day about the choices HE MADE! It is so hard to discipline!!!! I really do hate it. But will he ever learn? I keep telling him he can just turn on his light and play or read to his hearts content- but my little Dylan can only spends 2% of his day alone in the quiet.
So this all stems from a few things- one of which you all know is all due to the fact that he needs very little sleep. And, yesterday we took a trip down to the Columbus Temple. We are the furthest we have ever been from a temple so it has been an adjustment. It takes us close to three hours from our door the the temple doors. So the whole kids things is pretty tricky too, let alone the long drive. Luckily, we have some very generous friends from Boston that live right near the temple and volunteered their day to help us out. However, we woke up at 4 am (well I did) to get to the 9 0'clock session. So you can only imagine how this might have thrown off our normal routine. We are still paying for it as you can see. So I knew Dylan needed a nap today (his behavior a lone was a flashing light). Either I let him sleep too long, or he is still recovering?!?!?! My question is when do I get to recover? I have to get caught up before I am behind again. Or maybe I might as well embrace it all and get a little practice in.
A second, unrelated note- We had a name picked out for this little guy. However, Connor let me know a week or so ago that he was no longer "feel'in it." So here is yet another, fun contest for all of you: A special prize (knowing that you helped us out a whole lot and you get to take all the credit) will be awarded to the one who can help us find the perfect name! There are a few guidelines it has to keep:
1. It has to be uncommon enough for me to enjoy and appreciate
2. Yet traditional enough for Connnor to even think it is a name
3. Not too long to go with the last name of Thompson
and of course
4. A name I like- worthly of my 9 months and labor!!!!
On the side bar I have posted just a few names from our list for you to vote on, hopefully you will pick my favorite (to somehow convince Connor that the name I like is the coolest name!) I am just hoping you can help us find a name not our our list that we can magically BOTH like. Maybe that is what this kids is waiting on- a name!
1 day ago