We met our awesome friends from Cleveland, the Ellsworth's, in Herndon, VA for Thanksgiving. Because of $ and time we had to skip out on the Thompson gathering in Utah this year. But boy did the Ellsworth's deliver!! We had a great time at Kristin's parents house in VA. It was almost half way between us (shorter on our end, he he he.) The kids were all very entertained (and not by us) because they each have their bestest friend ever in this great family, and I do believe Corbin fell in love with Kaitlyn at first sight!
Kristin's mom is the next best thing to Martha Stewart, so you can only imagine what Thanksgiving dinner was like (with my addition of Sweet potato casserole and a layered jello- a king family fav.) And to top it all off we had a shmorgishboard of pies to choose from, that lasted all weekend long! So are the pie eaters next to their choice of pie- chocolate, cherry, lemon, pumpkin, bannana cream and cheese cake!

The day after we caught the tail end of a near by parade (just enough) and headed out to see some sites in DC. It was perfect and the kids had so much fun sharing it with their friends. We saw the Lincoln memorial, Washington monument, the Vietnam Veterans memorial, Korean War Veterans memorial and finally Rainbow pool (WW2 Memorial.) So here we are in front of all the states we have ever lived in! Sad isn't it????

We played games and laughed while the kids played forever. We also enjoyed jumping on the trampoline, Connor's story telling skills, custard and Five Guys burgers, and all making friendship bracelets that matched!!!
We were sad to leave, but I guess it is always good to end on a good note! We just hope there will be a next time!!!
Thank you, you guys!!!
What a fun trip! It is so nice not to cook thanksgiving. We went down to San Antonio and ate with Reid's parents. I love the state pictures and the reflecting pool. I cannot believe how big your kids are getting! Then again... Ethan is 7 months old and i don't know how that happened.
Thanks for sharing Thanksgiving with us!!! We are already going through withdrawals! Hopefully we'll be able to do it again soon!
Long time, no see! I found your blog through Jeannine's from Fugal Hall. Your family is so cute! Looks like you're doing great!
Fun to "see" you!
Karie Lasson Peterson
Those pies look great!! You look like you had such a blast, I'm so glad!
What a fun trip! It's so great how friends become family when you live far from home.
So fun to get to spend Thanksgiving with good friends! I'm jealous that they got to see you.
Make sure to check our blog this week... we have one that is just for you. You'll know it when you see it. :)
what an appropriate place to go for thanksgiving. i love DC. there and boston are the two places that really make me feel humbled by our country's beginnings. glad it was so great!
Oh how we missed you guys this Thanksgiving. It looks like you had lots of fun and good food though. We can't wait until we get to see you...it feels like it's been way too long. We love you guys!
I love Ashlyn's facial expressions! She is such a character! You have such a cute family and such great friends:)
Looks like you had a ton of fun there. I'm glad you had some almost-family to spend Thanksgiving with. And we can't wait to see you at Gigi's in two weeks.
We got a chance to go out there a few months ago too. Isn't it so awesome to live close to so many cool places. We LOVED DC when we went there. Looks like you guys did too. I love staying in touch with you!
Looks like you had a fun Thanksgiving too. I did think about you(if that makes you feel any better.) But I was told you wouldn't be around because you were spending Thanksgiving with the Ellsworths. I should have droped you a line anyway.
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