I know most of you don't have the foggiest idea (yes, double meaning, Corbin's last few months have been foggy in hearing) what this is. Corbin will be getting tubes in his ears. A very common procedure and I am very excited! According to the ENT specialist, the poor kid has had a constant ear infection for the last 5 months! He has been on 4 different antibiotics, which mask the problem and then it flares back up again. I have great hopes for what life will be like after Monday. I am hoping for longer naps, no waking up at night, better eating and less irritablility! I will let you know how it goes. I might have to be reminded that he is a Thompson boy, and sleeping does not run in his veins anyway. But a girl can always dream, right!
P.S. Thank you to all of those who commented on my last post, it was incredibly fun to have so many great memories brought back to my view. If you haven't done this one on your blog, you should!