I know most of you don't have the foggiest idea (yes, double meaning, Corbin's last few months have been foggy in hearing) what this is. Corbin will be getting tubes in his ears. A very common procedure and I am very excited! According to the ENT specialist, the poor kid has had a constant ear infection for the last 5 months! He has been on 4 different antibiotics, which mask the problem and then it flares back up again. I have great hopes for what life will be like after Monday. I am hoping for longer naps, no waking up at night, better eating and less irritablility! I will let you know how it goes. I might have to be reminded that he is a Thompson boy, and sleeping does not run in his veins anyway. But a girl can always dream, right!
P.S. Thank you to all of those who commented on my last post, it was incredibly fun to have so many great memories brought back to my view. If you haven't done this one on your blog, you should!
Tubes did wonders for Aaron when he was a kid! Good Luck! AS for the sleep thing, if you ever find a way to get your kids to sleep better and longer, Please give me the secret! I am hoping that one day Kenley will sleep through the night.....She even gave up naps, How can she not be tired?!!? I am!
Poor little boy! Here's hoping this helps, we'll keep our fingers crossed for ya!
That sounds like a great relief! I pray it will make a big difference. Ear infections are awful.
that is exciting news. i hope it makes him feel better. how miserable, for both of you!
I had no idea that that is what the tubes looked like...I hope all goes well and that it makes a huge difference.
hopefully he feels better. 5 months - yikes
I never got to commenting on the last post, but one of my favorite memories would probably either the valentines scavenger hunt us ladies put together or chasing the ducks with Dylan. I couldnt decided which was better!
I hope the tubes work quickly and you can sleep well soon!
Poor Corbin! Hopefully this makes everything better! Kendy :)
Tubes did wonders for Chris' ears too! When he was a kid he had ear infections all the time and his eardrums popped many times. Yes. It's literally a miracle that he's not deaf. Yey for tubes!
Oh that is so sad. Hopefully it will be better. Don't get your hopes up on the sleeping though. You guys are always having such a good time, you are such a good mom.
Hope it all goes well tomorrow. Brandon and I both had tubes. I meant to tell you also Congrats on getting that job at the hospital. You are an insipiration that way by always achieving your goals. We want to do a triathalon this summer. Any training tips?
good luck on the tube surgery! They've always threatened those with my kids, but none of them have had to have them in yet. Hopefully it will make things all better for you.
We will be going to North Carolina in August for a Coldplay concert and to see the West's. We'd love to see you too! We'll probably see you before then at This is Kirtland, but it'll be fun to see you in your new home as well! (We're thinking of trying out for the play, any tips?)
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