1. Add a comment on our blog, leave one memory that you and I (or with Connor, Dylan, Ashlyn and corbin) had together. It doesn't matter if you know us a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. If you want to play, re-post these instructions on your blog and take a stroll down memory lane too.
I remember doing a health fair at the hospital a couple of years ago and when I was walking out I saw you at the door and you looked familiar but I wasn't sure who you were. Then I saw your name tag. I don't know many Michals. :)
My memory is from BYU when we were sitting in physiology class the whole semester and telling you about Will. And, when I invited you over to my apartment at the GlenHole to go on a date with one of the guys and we were playing a game and when you met Will you said that you had heard so much about him. Oh, and shopping for swimsuits at Park Meadows before you and Connor got married. I have so many but those are a few that stand out. Love ya
I remember for the a while I could never remember your husband's name, becuase I thought Dylan's name was Connor.
I also remember You, me, Katt S, and Brianne C were driving home from some RS activity and having a ball talking and I though "this Michal girl is pretty cool." And you are. :)
I remember how you kicked my butt in the Turkey Trot 1/2 marathon, nah...we had a great time pacing it along together. Now you just need to get pregnant too, so we can stay together on the running!hahah!!
I remember our freshman year at BYU when our apartment decided to cut our FHE brothers' hair (despite the fact that NONE of us had ever cut hair before). We got started, realized we were in way over our heads, and called Michal to the rescue! I'm sure the boys were VERY relieved! Thanks!
i remember melanie's surprise party at kats house and how crappy i was at that stupid video game! (no, not bitter.)
i also remember the 4th of july party in the rain where ty and i were watching in awe as dylan played tennis!!
I remember freshman year was all about the dances. We had fun going to a heritage halls dance. A lot of girls dressed up retro and we rode over in limos together. It was fun. Also, freshman year if I couldn't find Laura, she was usually at your place or down below with Carrie and Jeanine. Your room always made the best cookies too. I remember ya'll were always baking over there. Fun times!
Michal, so many memories, so little time. I remember eating at your apartment with your roommates. Or the time your wallet got stolen at the BYU v Utah baseball game. I remember your BEAUTIFUL wedding, or our infant development class. Where we both expecting? I just remember we snacked A LOT during class.
Young womens you were one of my role models I really liked being around you! I also remember a note you had given me for helping you with something. I still have that letter. You are awesome!
I remember the first time I watched Dylan and you said he would cry a little but to just leave his door shut and turn the primary music on. I do have a confession.......I didn't have the heart to let him cry it out.. I just sat in his room and rocked him until he fell asleep:)I also remember when I washed Ashlyn and she wouldn't take a bottle and then as soon as you got there she ate like a champ:) Your kids are darling!
I loved our walks every morning, meeting by Walmart, feeding the kids (remember the days when we only had one?) goldfish, stopping to see the horses, and making a trip to Walmart before we went home. Those were the days, when going on our walk took all morning.
Michal - I remember the day in Salt Lake that you called to talk to Brady, because Dylan had been sleeping all day, and was really sick. That's when he ended up in the hospital, etc. etc. Why did I pick such a sad memory?? Sorry about that. :) I have fun memories, too, like right before we moved to North Carolina, and we had a picnic with the Judi's on the lawn in front of our condos. Connor taught Lauren the word "Dude"! Kendy :)
Lots of memories. I remember how fun it was when you lived next door in the same house and we could just shout to each other from the kitchen. I'm so glad we had that time. Also i loved after our boys were born and we would just hang out and let them play together out in front of your apartment. Love ya!
Great Post! I will never forget working in nursery together. I had a great time. You were so great to be with. I loved being with Ashlyn she was one of my sweeties in nursery.
Elli remembers running and jumping on the mattress in the living room with Dylan. Ruston loved seeing you guys at the Bowl Game. And I remember feeling lucky to have found a new friend in our last year of dental school. One year wasn't long enough, but it's better than nothing at all. We miss you guys!
Love, Alesha
The first thing that pops into my mind is jogging all over campus and lamenting about being so short. We must have run up and down the steps of the Marriott Center a hundred times. But those were the days! I used to be in such good shape... sigh...
Too many memories to choose from! One of my favorite memories was when you came over after I had Lincoln. My mom was here and we just chatted. It meant so much to me! It was really hard after he was born and your visit helped more than words can tell!
I will always think of Ashlyn and shoes! Eve still says she wants to go to your house! Dylan him and Reuben just running around having the time of their lives always when they were together! Corbin holding that sweet baby boy when he was so little!
Two words:
Table dancing.
This is a little behind the times, sorry. But I still wanted to share because I am know going down high school memory lane!
I remember...
*sitting by our lockers every morning after seminary
*piercing our ears (and a lot of other people's) at my house
*getting ambushed/attacked at your house by what felt like a dozen people, being tied up and covered in chocolate syrup, eggs, flour, amongst other things....we put up an AWESOME fight on that one
*you coming to my kick boxing class
*stealing TJ's pillows, and didn't you jump in the car through the window?
*you being voted homecoming queen and being team captain in CC and participating in the school plays
*stake youth dances
*you being one of the nicest, best people I've had the pleasure to call "BF"
I suppose that's enough for now =)
My first memory of you was sitting next to you in R.S... I think it was your first Sunday there. I instantly liked you! I knew we would be friends, and we were! You were one of my favorite people in Boston.
Also, everything that Robyn said. I thought Conner was Dylan for the longest time. Why is that?
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