But it is also true!!! Are we crazy? Yes, but excited too! We are hoping this little one will arrive on or before April 11th. Send me all the names you can. As you know, or if you didn't, that is the hardest part of our marriage- agreeing on a name! Thankfully, I am feeling much better and survived the rocky beginning. Sadly, those around me did not have much of a chance for guessing I am prego, I look well beyond my months already!
1 week ago
Congrats Michal! Do you know yet if it's or girl? Hope you are feeling well and getting to sleep in like Connor used to let you do with Corbin! Good luck and congrats again!
You sure do make cute kiddos!
Hope you've been feeling good!
You sure do make cute kiddos!
Hope you've been feeling good!
Wonderful! We're so happy for all of you.
congrats michal!! glad you are starting to feel better. that is the worst. corbin looks so grown up! totally ready to be a big brother.
i was thinking of you today. i remembr a post you worte about raking your leaves while you were pregnant. i swear i have never seen so many leaves in my life! and it feel like they are never gonna end! at least fall is beautiful here. it make it worth it. :)
congrats! I am glad you are feeling better. When do you get to find out if it is a boy or a girl? I have LOTS of names, I'll go through them for you and see what names end in "n".
Congrats! You are such a great MOM so I know you will do great!
I will send you names when you find out:)
I figured as much at the Cleverly party. Congratulations!
congrats!! so exciting. i was actually wondering if you were after looking at your halloween pic. but then i thought it could have just been a weird angle. i am due may 10th, and also hope it will come sooner. i have mostly been super tired and just a little nauseas. i don't usually get super sick. but i have gotten some bugs while pregnant, and they have wiped me out. today is another one of those days. :( flu this time i think. anyway, congrats! so fun... and crazy! ;)
yeah! that is so exciting. we better start catching up to you :)
That's so exciting! Congratulations!!!
Yipppeee! Michal, that is great news. I'm glad to hear you're past the worst of it. Best wishes that everything goes well through the rest!
wow, congrats! so exciting. the name thing makes me laugh because I felt we had the ideal marriage until we had to name our children! good luck!
Yea! We are so excited for you guys! You guys have some of the cutest kids and really are the best parents! YOu have been such an example to me!!
Wow - yeah! Im glad you are over the beginning part. Congrats on the baby.
How exciting!! YOu are the greatest mom. We are trying to have our second kiddo... but no luck yet.
Thanks for keeping your blog updated. it is awesome!!
How wonderful! Congratulations...and Corbin is such a cutie pie!
Great news!!! I'm happy for you guys!
You're not crazy at all! I think it is fabulous - have as many as you can, right?
I'm glad you are past the worst of the sickness and I hope the rest goes smoothly! Congrats!
Congrat on the another little one!
michal - congrats! You are so brave. we are bad at picking names and usually don't do it until we are being forced out of the hospital. I'll let you know if we have any brainstorms.
Again, congrats!
Congrats Michal! That's exciting. You've done a great job picking out names so far. Good luck! We have the same name problem.
Congrats, guys!! We're so excited for you! Kendy :)
CONGRATS!!!! You have the most adorable kids ever and you are a great mom, can't wait to find out what you are having
Congratu-freakin-lations! One more Thompson in the world makes the world just that much better. :)
Congrats guys! Wow! four kids! I will have to brainstorm names.
Congrats!!!! How exciting! I truly think there is something going around besides the swine flu!! I know about 6 people that are pregnant right now!! And Corbin is looking like quite the stud-what a cutie!!!
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