Look at this beautiful girl...

Kamryn is one month old. The wise women always tell me how much faster it goes with consecutive children. And it really does, but only because I am enjoying it so much. Kamryn has been an amazing addition to our family. She is hard not to love! My favorite moments are watching Dylan lay with her before bedtime, Ashlyn mothering her by desperately wanting to put her on her "shoulder" and Corbin asking to hold "baby" and smiles at her. I LOVE when she first wakes up with all those cute noises and gruts while she stretches. She really is patient with all that happens around this house! She is very alert and happy most of the time.
My friend Becky made this adorable onesie for her. A "K" on the front and ruffles in the back. What baby bum doesn't look good in ruffles! And the adorable blanket by Aunt Kadi! This girl is OUTFITTED!
She tipped the scales at 10lbs 6 oz (90%)! She takes after the Thompson clan with her chub. She is 75% on her head cir. and 50% on her height- not soo shabby!
She is so precious that it makes me want to have another one- well until I hear the rest of the kids arguing and fighting!
She really is so beautiful!! I love the onesie. So cute!!!
Very cute! I love dressing up my little girl too. I'm jealous of her hair. She has more hair than my 8 month old!
She's beautiful! She sounds like such a sweet baby.
what a blessings from the heart of God, love your site and your pictures! Be blessed!
I can't believe how old she already is! A month, come on...I haven't gotten to hold her yet, no more growing up! She sure is a doll!
So cute. You and Conner have done well. And yes it does go so fast.
What a sweet, sweet baby!!
She is so beautiful! I love that she has the chub...our poor Abby is 15 months and still hasn't hit the 20 pound mark! We'll be rear facing in the car forever! LOL I've loved catching up on all that you've been up to, and loved the ruffly onesie!
Michal your kids are gorgeous! My mom told me that she just sat and stared at Kamryn the first time she saw her because she is so pretty. What a little dolly girl!!
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