Here are her stats:
weight: 15 lbs 15 oz (93 %)
length: 24.5 in (55%)
Head: 42.75 in (90%)
I wish I could take all the credit for these numbers, but it comes pretty easy. She literally has roll after roll! It makes me laugh every time I change her diaper!
Her she is Miss America...
She loves to grab her feet, she is super ticklish and she smiles at her siblings (and just about anybody.) Today she had her first taste of baby cereal. To my utter surprise she enjoyed it. None my other kids wanted anything to do with it and she has been super stubborn with the bottle so this was a great gift! I am LOVIN her so much I could eat her!
Oh what a cutie! Wish we were there to kiss her chubby neck!
Oh my goodness! She is bigger than Ruby who is 8 months old! Ruby isnt even 15 lbs yet. She is tiny though. Your little girl has the cutest rolls - love baby rolls.
Her hair is delicious! What a cute girl...
All babies are cute but she really is beautiful!
She is too cute!
if you are painting it black you would probably want a dark primer. you wouldnt have to sand it down too much unless you were staining it. just sand it up to make it smooth and you are good to go. cant wait to see it. thanks for your suggestions!
She is an absolute doll (and I'm NOT just saying that)! We take Will in for his 4 month check-up soon. Can't wait to find out how much he has grown. Too fun.
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