Ashlyn as a unicorn...
And Corbin, well... he was Corbin. I told myself I was not going to invest any time or money on a kid who is not interested in dressing up. However, at the end of today he asked to put on the "mermaid." So maybe next year???
We had a great time trick-or-treating at Dad's work and then again at the ward trunk-or-treat. Connor and I dressed up at John and Kate plus eight. Sorry, no pictures. It didn't quite turn out as great had I had dreamed. I think I also lost a baby or two throughout the night!

Tonight we had a cul-de-sac party. We ate dinner together and then sat around the fire pit as the trick-or-treaters made a one stop shop.
Here is what we ate...
Slimy Snake...

Those are amazing costumes!! You're right, I am out of practice making Halloween costumes. And I don't mind. We can't wait to see you all in 3 days!
The kids look great! I bet they had such fun! That stinker Corbin, I bet he regrets it now. I tell my kids they can't trick-or-treat if they don't wear their costumes...even the part the goes on their head. They do it for the candy! Cute, cute!
I saw that Unicorn in a magazine, and LOVE that idea for later!
The mermaid is adorable! And your food names made me gag, literally. (Course I am pregnant.) Glad Halloween rocked for you guys.
So I thought I would catch up on your life. Looks and sounds like things are wonderful and busy. I am sure your calling is keeping you on your toes. I have to admit I love primary. I miss it. It has such a special spirit. Kamryn is adorable and is bigger than Millie which is too awesome. I love the costumes as well. It seems like you guys moved into a great neighborhood. How fun!
Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. So, Corbin doesn't like to dress up? I am right there with you kid. I think I was ten when I asked my mom if I could stay home and pass out candy. I have never dressed up since. Your kids costumes are so cute.
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