This is what Ashlyn chose to wear today...

Her pajama top, a skirt and some leggings. Better, but I did have to give her my regular reminder... "Now Ashlyn, you know that we don't wear pajamas to school. You can wear them at home but not when we leave home." Am I a mean mom? I mean who wouldn't want to live life in their pajamas, I sure do! But I do have to set some boundaries!
Without missing a beat she said "these aren't pajamas, this is a warm up suit." Props for that girl! I just laughed, she earned her right to wear her pajama top today!
For all of you who are still clueless... YOU MUST watch Despicable Me. As you can see we love it. I am hoping this memory will help me add a smile and a laugh when handling Ashlyn and her clothes.
Your daughter certainly has a flair for fashion. I love it and yes I think you are a mean mommy since Id love to wear my pjs all day too! :JK
Oh my gosh Ashlyn is hilarious!!!! And about 5 bazillion times cuter than Vektor!!!!
She marches to the beat of her own drum and I love it!
I am just posting about this today as well! So funny to go on your blog and see this!
I vote make her some clothes or embellish some t-shirts that she'd be excited to wear...maybe it'll help?
I think it's cute, and we have the same problem. It's good we've got mom days to choose and Kate days to choose, but there still are struggles. You're doing awesome! And yes, it would be awesome to live close. We are driving out to Virgina to visit my sister that lives in Richmond in June, maybe we could swing by for an evening to say hello. And that Kamryn. What a doll. She is so cute!
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