My baby sister came to visit before she starts back into nursing school. The kids never got tired of jumping with her...
Or riding her legs...

We took her to the beach for her first Atlantic beach experience. As you can see were were all pretty excited to be there...
I still am blown away how these kids don't get tired of being covered head to foot in sand...
Kamryn loved it too. Last time she was at the beach she was a wee little one...
She loved the feel of the sand and water...
All three kids begged to be buried...
Corbin was a "strong man"...
Ashlyn was a mermaid...

And I got burned out after that, poor Dylan.
Carianne also played with the kids here and there while I bound this extra piece of carpet for a runner (a longer project than I had first anticipated)...

She also played with our kids while we went to the temple TOGETHER, while I was at the chiropractor multiple times, and while I made dinner (my hardest time of day.)
Ashlyn said it best when she said more than once... "I am so sad that Carrie had to leave."
We love you Carrie, Thanks for the visit!
Wouldn't it be awesome to have a live-in younger sister! Life would be gallons easier.
What a cute family. Love play days at the beach. :o)
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