The begging of the end has arrived! Dylan has begun his scouting career. He received his Bob Cat award at our Blue and Gold banquet a few weeks ago. Luckily he shared this big first as well as his baptism with his good buddy Ben...

He has already mentined more than once how much he loves scouts and how he wishes every night was scouts. He also loves his den leader, Jane, who also gave the most wonderful talk at their baptism. He asks often to go say hi to her since we are kinda neighbors. And of course the best part of every Blue and Gold...the plethora of desert!

One of my callings is part of the cub committee. I put together the center pieces. I will have to admit, they turned out rather cute but they took longer to make than I imagined!

Scouting here we come!
He's such a cute little boy. And you are very talented. I can't even fathom making anything right now. of course I am 9 months pregnant.....or maybe it's just me being lazy :-)
No I haven't given birth yet. though I wish I would already! got back from the doctor's last night and I'm at a 3. The doctor says that I could go at anytime. Here's to hoping :-)
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