I was recently called as the RS pianist in my ward. I can play the piano but not great, so I knew this was going to be a great opportunity for me to work on it. However, it is more work than I had hoped. This week I have been working on this song...
If you look closely it is really marked up. It is a 6/8 time signature. I realized I haven't had any good experience with this time signature. The first day I felt like I was reading Japanese. I buckled down and had to write every single count in. Now that I am on day 5 of practicing I have picked the speed up to where it is supposed to be and I am not counting every single count anymore. Whew! But I am proud because I have worked really hard. I considered asking if the song could be changed to a simpler one, but I stuck with it. I learned a lot from this. I am also proud to tell Dylan, who is taking lessons, that even I have to practice really hard on pieces that are difficult and then it gets easier.
So here's to my slow, old fingers and my poor eye-hand coordination- or so it feels.
That is awesome, Michal. It would have been so easy to just ask for something easier, but you were persistent. "Persistence" is something we talk about a lot around here because a certain someone has a hard time sticking with things :-). And what a great example you're setting for Dylan.
I played too a long time ago - and have plans for some refresher lessons once Tyrone is done with his schooling.
I am so proud of you too! I can remember watching you practice the piano late at night because you were so determined. That is a strength you have, Michal..."sticking" to something until you accomplish it! I want to be like you when I grow up!
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