Connor and I had our 6 year anniversary. I am so proud of all that he has accomplished and the man he has become. He has been the rock in our family and the life of the party. Let me tell you, we are officially a party of 5 that never seems to end! We have traveled all over the US and life still seems to get sweeter by the day. I am grateful that he is constantly serving me in every way that he can. It is a rare occasion when he is in any way selfish.
He is the greatest example I could ever dream of for my children. If they turn out just like him (looks are already on his side) then they will be amazing. Connor is constantly inspiring me to become a better person in every way. He is driven in all aspects of his life. He never seems to amaze with with all his talents and abilities. There seems to be nothing he can't do, and do it well.
With Father's Day coming up, I would like to exclaim to the world what a wonderful father I have for my children. Even when he is exhausted he comes home and gets right to "play." If there was ever a man who could hold up the house on his own, it would be him!
Our future always seems to be bright with a man like Connor at the head. Here is to the best dad and the greatest husband!
Happy Anniversary, Michal and Connor! Crazy how the time flies.
Happy Anniversary! It has been a busy 6 years.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! Time Flies! I remember your wedding like it was yesterday. Fun times. We need to go to Europe again. Lets talk to Co and Karren.
I can't believe you have 3 kids in 6 years:) You are amazing. I can't even handle one, lol:) You guys are such a wonderful family. And you have such great love for each other and your children.
Wow, I can't believe I was at your wedding reception 6 years ago, so much has happened since then! You guys look so happy with such cute kids. I hope to catch up with you sometime soon!
Happy Anniversary! Hopefully it was still fun even though you were house-hunting. You guys are so fun...so playful. Thanks for being so playful with us (especially the kids) when you came. Hope you had a great anniversary and I hope Connor has a great Father's Day!
Happy Anniversary!! Cheers to six great years!!!
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