Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Potty Training Cobin?

Since Potty training is fresh on my mind I thought I might as well go ahead and potty train Corbin. I don't think he is too young and I really think he can do it!

Yep...you all thought I was crazy there for a minute. It seems that my bumbo should get the credit for any potty training. Literally- at least half the times Corbin sits in his bumbo, he has a MASSIVE blowout, dripping all over me and the floor. Not to mention the puddle in the bumbo! I rarely change any more blow outs away from home, thanks to the bumbo! There have been multiple time I carry the entire bumbo (which goes completely against the bumbo warning) to the bath tub, baby and all. Lucky for me bumbo makes a toddler potty seat as well! So we will just upgrade as we go!
So to all the bumbo fans- we can add just another good reason to have one!


The Lindic's said...

That is hilarious! I seem to remember Evan frequently going when he was in his also! Gotta love those things! Hope all is well!!

Jenny said...

Hmmm.. Maybe I'll have to get me a bumbo when we have our next kid.

Mandy said...

I love that you feel free to talk about poop on your blog. That is one of the reasons I love ya Michal. Okay we did nothave Bumbos with my other two kids. What are they for?

Kristen said...

That is awesome!

Elder Henry H. Thompson said...

Michal. Corbin is getting too old, seeing as we haven't even seen him in person yet. We would love to see you sometime.
The Thompsons from SLC

Maegan said...

Corbin is a so cute. Abby loved her bumbo too.

The Coxes said...

Michal - that is so funny! I gotta get me one of those.... Kendy :)

Katt said...

Do they have bumbos for adults? :) Wouldn't that be great!?
BTY, Corbin is getting so big! He is adorable!