This is very overdue. At the beginning of July we got some very special visitors. It was the most wonderful week of the summer! It was like having a vacation without the headache of travel, suitcases and changing time zones! We slept in our own beds and still had a mild version of our normal schedule! I guess I should tell you who these visitors were-
Connor's parents and his sister Jenny and her 5 kids. We are so thankful that they think we were worth their three day drive on each end of their trip from Utah. They came to the play, they watched our kids during some practices, we saw a few of the kirtland sites that we hadn't seen yet, went to the salt-less beach for the last time and plain had a party for a whole week!
So thank you to Nini and Poger for putting up with all of us for so long and still being the responsible ones who took care of the rest of us. And thank you to Jenny and her kids for taking a break from their lives to come see us! Thank you to Whitney who put up with us and entertained my kids. We love you!
We just had dinner at my moms with the whole Thompson clan. We miss you guys! Cami and I were trying to plan to come to North Carolina for Thanksgiving. How fun would that be?? Steve and I want to...
I bet it was way fun!!! Whitney said that she had a blast and could do it all over again if she could!!! We miss you and need to see you soon!!
Erica and the rest of the Thompson Clan
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