A lady a few blocks away took us to this very cute park downtown. Each ride was $1
Here is Ashlyn on the boat ride
Here is our new friend, Grayson (who's dad is the local weather man) and the kids on the train
And finally the carousel
Grayson and his mom also took us the the science museum- we could have stayed forever!
I was also able to catch up with our good friends, the Coxs. They were in our ward in Holladay. It has finally paid off to have moved so much. We are getting back some of our friends! Ashlyn fell right in love with Kendy!
We also took the kids bowling as our "family time with no boxes." It was Ashlyn's debut as a bowler. She loved it.
Luckily, I met a woman in our ward who recently moved in as well. So we both need a friend. She has a pool at her town house and we have been spending all of our "feels like over 100 degree" days there. This humidity is tiring! But it will be worth it this winter!
I am also loving:
1.my flat surfaced stove top with a large microwave and fan above
2.no more squeaky doors and floors right by the babies room
3.a running/bike trail a few blocks away (Dylan is in heaven and I don't have to worry about cars
4.the washer and dryer in my eat in kitchen, making multi tasking perfect
5. my BJ's (wholesale club) membership happened to transfer and they even have BJ's gas!
6.more than one bathroom (so Dylan doesn't have to pee at the same time as Ashlyn when he is dying to go) But then I have to clean them!
7.almost every store I need is with in a 5 mile radius (this actually could be bad)
8.my master bedroom, closet and bathroom! what a treat.
A few strange things:
1.most neighborhoods only have a side walk on one side of the street
2.basements are rare, and you are really lucky to even have a garage, let alone a two car garage!
3.real grass is even more rare
4.preschool costs almost triple what it did in Cleveland
5.all pools are for either members (paying a $600 fee) or for the public with punch cards. There is no such thing a season pass
We miss you!!!
It sounds like you are having fun! Your house sounds awesome!
It looks like ya'll are adjusting well to moving. Emily (Fishback) Graham came through here a few weeks ago, and as they were traveling said that Raleigh, NC had some of the friendliest people that met while on their travels (they took more than 2 months traveling to see everything they wanted to around the US). Happy unpacking! I love your list by the way. Those sound like good perks, and don't worry, humidity is only really bad for another month or so. I can't believe how big your baby is getting! Seems like he was just born! Good luck getting settled!
I'm glad you guys are having so much fun there. It sounds like you have already made a lot of friends and found some good places to play. You're getting ripped off at the amusement park - our kiddie park is just 25 cents a ride. Isn't more than one bathroom just awesome? We love it too. Keep having fun.
So will you guys stay here very long? My in-laws lived in NC for a while and they loved it. Have you read Breaking Dawn yet? I sure miss ya.
Sounds like you guys are getting settled in and meeting people! Awesome. Looks like a fun place. I hope you guys keep having fun and making friends. We miss you guys! Love you...
I am glad that they are being so nice to you out there! That makes the move easier I bet!
Hey. I just stumbled upon your blog- while stalking others :) and I am sooo glad. Leave it up to you to have already found all the greatest places to visit and play in only 3 weeks. We miss you in Cleveland.
If it is ok I'm going to keep checking in...
Julie Lewis
Good luck in Raleigh! I don't envy you. I'm glad we have slowly moved out of the moving frequently faze.
I loved reading your blog. The kids are so cute. Sounds like you are fitting right in and having lot of fun already. We miss you.
I'm so happy to see that you are settling in and finding ways to enjoy yourselves! You are so good to make new friends so quick. It's no wonder you adapt to wherever you are. You amaze me. I am kicking myself for not spending more time with you and your sweet family before you moved. What was I thinking? Luckily we got to enjoy you for a little while while Connor was serving with Jeremy. You guys are a family we will always remember from our time in Cleveland. Hopefully we'll meet up again someday!
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