In the two weeks my parents were here we were able to do a whole lot:
See Dylan's preschool graduation. If I am already crying now, what will I be like when he finally graduates from HS and leaves for a mission??

Spend time showing Tutu and Papa Steve just some of what we love about Raleigh... looking for bugs, reading and playing uno with grandparents, Riding bikes on the trail, going for a dip in the creek, playing and bowling.
Note: the sideways tipped heads are my kids "posing" for pictures. As you can see Corbin has caught on.
We also were lucky enough to spend 4 days back on the outer banks. The weather was wonderful! Another slide show for y'all to enjoy... Roanoke Island Lighthouse, kayaking in the sound, playing on the beach, flying kites, the sand dunes, and playing on an 1800's ship (you will see Dylan and Ashlyn "trying" to raise the anchor and Corbin ringing the bell.)
I could have spent an entire post and slide show devoted to Dylan "fighting" the waves. He must have accumulated a full marathon by the time we left to come home from running from and into the waves.
When we got back Dylan and Ashlyn were adamant about making "books" with Tutu. We had a big craft session and they are each very unique so check them out...

The kids also made a wind chime with Tutu and Papa Steve out of all the things we collected at the beach. What a great memory from our time.
Thank you Tutu and Papa Steve for coming to see us, We miss you already!
aww preschool graduation. Too cute. Yeah i already worry about Ethan leaving on his mission! I whisper in his ear that he was to write me a lot. =)
Oh I love how cute his little grad outfit is. Ok so listen up... I am talking my mom and Co into doing a big family trip to disneyland over thanksgiving. WOuld you be interested? My mom seems to think it would be a fun idea but still needs to talk to Co.
Your family is ADORABLE!!! I can't believe how old Dylan looks:( He is so big! I know I say this everytime but you really do have the cutest kids ever! I totally need to travel, you always go to the neatest places:)
Hey Michal! I need to check your blog more often because you always have exciting new adventures to report! Your trip to the OBX looked incredible! How is the running? Your kids are as darling as ever...I can't believe how big Corbin has gotten! What a little stud-muffin!
You guys have been up to soo much. We really need to get together!
The best part of living away from family is... having them visit! I enjoyed seeing your pics and I love your orange shirt. You look great! Please let me know if you're ever in Salt Lake. - I would love to see you!
I cannot believe that Dylan had a cap and gown for his preschool graduation. Seriously, they are celebrating everything nowadays. Crazy! I am so glad that your parents got to come visit. When is the surgery?
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