1. $$$$
2. lbs to be pushed/pulled
3. my sanity
So lately we have been improvising when I need to catch a run. Dylan is an amazing little bike rider and can keep up with me on his bike (actually, it is me that is constantly trying to keep up.)This is usually on my shorter 3 milers so that I know he won't get exhausted. But on this particular day I ended up pushing a load that looked like this... 
Dylan uncharacteristically got "tired and sat on the front of the jogger and I stuck his bike in the back. The bike alone was heavier than my kids! Let's just say I wasn't running up the hills!
We recently got Dylan a new bike, he really needs gears. The poor kid could pedal his little legs so fast it looked like he was going to fly right off his bike!
Well hopefully it works out. Corbin's hair is so blonde! He is so cute. I heard you were at church, too bad I didn't get to see you when you were in town.
Gosh Girl!! I know that was hard! You're def. getting your workout. I refuse to ever buy a triple either! I may have to though, now!
Are you kidding?? I didn't even know they made triple joggers! So, now I know why you're so thin and I can't seem to trim my tummy...
I'm amazed that Dylan will do a 3-mile ride. That kid is going to go places!
wow. that's insane. you must be REALLY strong michal!! :)
Wow, that is quite the run, I am very impressed! I cannot believe how big Dylan is, it seems like yesterday that I was coming to visit and he was just a little baby. And...your crafts are VERY cute, i am way impressed!
I've done that with 2 kids & a bike and that was hard. I can't imagine adding a 3rd!
Do you like your jogger? I have started to run, and love it.Now, I am transitioning from an indoor track to outside, and need some way to haul my kiddo around. I got to find something, but we've gotta be smart about it, you know? It looks like you have quite the load. Good thing your kids are cute!
That is too funny! Just think of it as a strength training workout!
I didn't even know they made tripple strollers! Best of luck on that one. That picture's hilarious... I love what we as moms will do to get out sometimes!
You always amaze me!
I chickened out coming down to see you guys! I get nervous driving that far by myself! Hopefully Ryan and I can do it together sometime soon!!
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