Connor has vivid memories of his Dad playing the "masterful tooth puller." So he of course was determined that he inherited this from his father. Let's just say it didn't go over too well when he tried it out.
From Dylan's perspective I am sure it is quite frustrating to have a tooth literally hanging out of your mouth, yet your pain tolerance is like ZERO!
Connor and I each took turns nudging the first tooth out between screams and crying. Dylan had asked us to pull it but then became quite angry when he felt the pain and saw the blood. Later in the evening I got lucky with my fast twitch finger and freed that little tooth! So two days later when the first tooth's next door neighbor was also very loose I decided to try my lucky finger twitch again. I realized that tooth must not have been so loose! Let's just say Dylan was not too in love with his mother right at that moment. Low and behold a little wrestling allowed that little tooth to join his neighbor in the tooth fairy's pouch, where they are superbly happy!
And here is to many more!
Molly lost her first tooth TODAY!! She was so brave... asked me to pull it and didn't bat an eyelash :) It's kinda sad to me when those cute little baby teeth get replaced by big teeth. My baby is growing up.
Congrats Dylan! We haven't had a tooth fairy visit yet. Kate's been a little depressed that it hasn't happened yet.
I'm pretty sure that I will be no help when our losing teeth time comes, because the idea of pulling out teeth gives me the heebie jeebies. You are a tough lady.
Oh boy - hopefully the $ from the tooth fairy made everything all better! Kendy :)
Wow, Dylen and Landon lost the same two teeth within weeks of each other. Landon pulled out his second by himself. He wanted to see the blood and get the money.
Okay, I couldn't even read this. I don't know what I'm going to do when Carter's teeth start falling out. Maybe send him to you...or Poger. I get so queezy and feel ill...uuuugghh. Brave Dylan...and Molly too!
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