It has taken me a couple weeks to realize this is for real...

Our first home!!! Wow, what a crazy few weeks. We are super excited though. We just have to actually get into it, that is the hard part. I dread moving! I even had to look up my old posts to get my own moving advice. It has been a long two years since we have moved (our longest stay.) We know this will be such a fun step in our lives and we have many wonderful hopes and dreams for this house. It also has a lot more room, room for more visitors. So if you come you actually get your own room and possibly your own bathroom!
Hey, that's really exciting! Good luck with your last move!
congratulations! we would love to visit sometime. so does that mean you will be staying there for a while?
As a fellow nomad (but past homeowner), I have to say I am SSSSOOOOO excited for you guys!!!!!!!! Seriously, SO. EXCITED. Nice to hear some good news these days!!!!
And we'll definitely take you up on the room offer if we are ever in the neighborhood.
Hooray!!! That is a great day. Enjoy. how wonderful!
It's so beautiful!
And of course we would love to see you guys when you come up!
Wow, I didn't realize this! When and where?? I'm sure it's still in your ward. It's lovely!!
Your house looks awesome! Congrats!
WOW what a gorgeous house!! Congrats!! (and I hate moving too!!!)
congrats you guys! that is really exciting and your home is darling!
just think one more move, and your done for a long, long time!!
It's so cute! Maybe we'll have to come for a visit if we get our own bathroom:)
What a huge house! Good luck with your packing and moving...I'm sure you'll love having more space!
Congratulations, your home looks beautiful!
Oh my gosh, you're Official Adults now. I wonder when I'll become an Official Adult . . .
Cheers to your awesome house!
So cute! Congrats!
Hooray! I hope you guys get it. It would just be better if it was in Colorado!
I love it! Congrats on your first home!!!
That is so fun! Congratulations!
Yeah! Looks so cute. So happy for you guys about the house. Bummer about your toe. Are you back running yet? Hope you can get back to it soon - I know what a stress reliever it can be. : ) You guys are amazing.
The house is adorable. I am so excited for you. Make sure you get us all your address by Christmas.
What a gorgeous home! Are you guys coming into town this summer? I'm thinkin boating would be fun!
Looks perfect!
Are you still in Cary? I will be there again this Thanksgiving if you're around maybe we can get together and our little girls can play!
How exciting for you!! I am so happy for your little family. The next time I am in Raleigh, I would love to come and see it (and you and those incredibly darling babies of yours). Congratulations!!
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