We got a big Christmas surprise...

Of course we immediately went out to play in it...
Dad got his exercise...
Dylan spent every moment he could in it...
We (the mom's and dad's) built two snow forts for a big cul-de-sac snow ball fight. Boy was it fun, but my arm is sore!
But it was worth it.
We enjoyed making our own Thompson Traditions:
- celebrated Joseph Smith's Birthday on the 23rd
- shopped for our family gift exchange
- bought an ornament that symbolized the year
- bake and deliver goodies as we caroled
- read the Christmas story
- enjoyed watching movies and playing games as a family Christmas Eve
- We made reindeer milk and food to leave out Christmas Eve
- Our elf, Ferby, was with us all of December to make sure we were nice. He went home with Santa
- We enjoyed doing a service ring and run 12 days of Christmas for someone (can't say who)
- Big Breakfast Christmas Dinner, German pancakes and all- just thinking about it makes me salivate!
Fun Memories:
- Ashlyn loved Caroling, she practically begged us to go before it was even close to Christmas. She could have gone all night long if we hadn't said "enough." Dylan disliked caroling to the same degree as Ashlyn loved it.
- Dylan picked Ashlyn's name for the family gift exchange. That was the last person in the world he WANTED to give to, but it was good for him!
- Ashlyn almost didn't make the "nice" list
- Corbin, Ashlyn and I did so many puzzles- we love dollar store puzzles of our favorite characters
- Ashlyn was desperate to see the reindeer, she wanted to pet them. She didn't so much care about seeing Santa.
The most argued over gifts in our house:
- bakugons
- key car
- back pack

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas filled with the Spirit of our Savior and the love of his sacrifice. We hope that this will continue throughout the coming year. Happy New Year!