Our first snowfall came...

... a week ago. I know winter came to y'all a while back, but it just came to Raleigh. We had a long and amazing fall. Then all of a sudden it snowed. I know this is no big deal to all my Northeastern and Western friends, but it NEVER snows this early here. So it was pretty exciting, AND, it stuck! We couldn't resist and had a snowball fight and made a snowman. Sadly, it has only gotten colder since the snowfall. I don't know if my blood has thinned or if this warm weather has made me tender, but it sure has been darn cold!!! I find myself wearing multiple layers and dusting off my thermals.
Connor happened to be putting up our Christmas lights up just as the snow started to fall.
I went on a few runs this week, the whole time the advantages to a gym membership where looking quite enticing- something I rarely consider. But dang, it has been cold. Bundling up the kids took a good 1/2 hour and then it took another 1/2 hour for me to defrost my bottom and my bottom lip! I will try to remember this feeling when the humidity returns in the summer!
So... What does "really cold" mean? Cause mom and dad said it was really cold when they went to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving and it was in the low 30s. While here in Utah it was 10 degrees (high for the day). I'm guessing your blood has thinned. Now, when I go running and it is in the 30s I think that is warm.
Ditto Jameson...but I've been running in the 30's lately and I still think its cold. Michal I miss being there with you! But at least now I can imagine where you are in your house when I talk to you.
Wow! You have more snow than we do. That's not really normal. I'm enjoying our 50 degree weather though.
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