Corbin and I were lucky enough to get a night out together. Just me and him, a good mother son outing. It was great bonding time. We even got to stay at this amazing Hotel! Granted it was a very expensive Hotel with only one small bed and a very uncomfortable chair. But there were lots of buttons and gadgets, pre-warmed blankets, a nice flat screen TV and a few people at our beck and call. Here is where we stayed Thursday night...

It is hard to tell from the picture but it is our local ER. We are so lucky to have one just 2 minutes down the road from us, and brand-spank'in new!
We got to go see their beautiful radiology room. I got to experience an infant chest x-ray, great for my Child Life profile!
Right now my brother, Nate, is laughing and thinking I am crazy for taking one of my children, AGAIN to the ER. Really I do feel like a frequent visitor of these places as of late (and I have visited them around the country!). However, I have all evidence. A month ago Corbin came down with a cold which ended in an ear infection, no big deal. But he was also having a very hard time breathing. I thought that was in the past until out-of-the-blue, Corbin practically has a breathing attack Thursday night and can't breath. I rush him in, I was frustrated with the lack of rushing from the nurses. But after all the tests, we found that Corbin has pneumonia, and an ear infection. So our fridge is stocked with meds (steroids and antibiotics) and Here is the newest addition to our family...

a nebulizer to give Corbin his breathing treatments. Let's just hope that this is just pneumonia and no indicator of asthma!
So just as we were getting Corbin to sleep through the night, we are back to square one- or are we in the negative seeing as we have no choice but to get up and take care of his wheezing and mom is still trying to make of for the lost night.