However, this kid will not eat a thing!!! No soft cheerios, no mushed up food, no rice cereal, no baby food, no yogurt, no bottles of any sort (he thinks they are toys) and not even sweets that Connor tries to sneak him! He LITERALLY gags every time I give him anything other that the good-old-fashion breast milk! I have Dylan try to make him laugh to open his mouth so I can sneak something inside. I doubt much even makes it down. He is going to catch on to my trick sooner or later. But we are coming up on 8 months now and my race is a few weeks away and there are also some Child Life Conferences ahead as well (As professional as that would be to take him with me!!) I am quite flattered that he thinks I am SO delicious but I need some space (I guess time is a better word.)
So my question for you:
How do YOU make food look more enticing than yourself???
I am just leaving a sympathy comment, My sweet little Kenley would not eat ANYTHING until 9-10 months old.....I felt like I was nursing 24-7 which I was. And she didn't eat consistently until 15 months..ugh! So I have no idea how to make them eat, but on a side note, she eats EVERYTHING I can't really complain.
Honestly, I don't know... how can any person not like food!!! He'll catch on sooner or later, I'm sure of it! Hang in there. W
ummm...I don't know. I guess what worked for us with Avery was that we just had to let her get so hungry and mad that she got so worked up that eventhough she was hungry she cried herself almost to sleep in my arms...and then we'd switch out the pacifier for a kinda worked. Mostly I think it was Heavenly Father just answering prayers though because one day Avery woke up for her 11 pm feeding, right after I had pumped. There was nothing in me. I prayed she would take the bottle, and ever since then she has. Avery loves food, so I'm afraid I can't help you with that one...
oooh, that's a tough one. Sayer went back and forth with not wanting a bottle around 4 or 5 months. I finally started trying different bottles, and that did the trick. He will only drink from the gerber bottles, you know the clear ones with the blue, green or purple tops. I can't complain, as they are the cheapest bottles out there! I think with solids, you just need to keep trying. I'm sure it's so frustrating. Both my boys have loved food, so I can't really relate there, but he'll be really bad if you don't at least keep trying. I would also try letting him get really hungry. You might have a miserable couple of days, but if you are going to be gone, that is probably the best. Have you tried leaving and letting someone else try to feed him? That helped with us too. If Sayer knew I was there, he would put up a fuss if Nate ever tried to feed him, but he said he never had a problem when I was gone. He's fine either way now.
Good luck!
Yeah, I don't have much advice. Sorry! I guess when you go to your conference, he'll eat when he gets hungry. It will turn out okay. Sounds frustrating though! Good luck!
I know it sounds cruel, but you have to starve him out. If babies get hungry enough they will eat. Isabel only wanted the breast until there was no other option. If they get hungry enough they will eat.
Ooh, that's a tough one! My kids had too many teeth by 8 months, so I had no problem just stopping, the end. I'd have to agree with the starving theory. My son would eat any and everything I handed him, but my daughter was a little more picky. When she was hungry enough she took a bottle. They both liked those Playtex Nurser bottles. Best of luck!
P.S. I think I got Tommy's shirt at Old Navy!
I know this comment won't be any help to your real problem, but at least I can answer your first question. From recent personal experiences I can vouch that the correct plural form of "y'all" is "all y'all" (and the possessive plural form is often rendered as "all y'all's"). Hopefully that helps. Maybe once Corbin understands this concept, he will be willing to eat real food. And maybe when I'm not commenting on your blog at 2:00 AM I won't sound so weird. We love you guys!
Michal -
So I have finally visted your blog and it is so cute! Last year when I had my big diving meet and had to leave Sophie for 5 days Nate had to give her chocolate milk and then she would take a bottle. I think having Connor feed him with you gone may be the only way. After I got back from my meet Sophie loved bottles we were done with nursing and she had this extra connection to Nate. We miss you guys! I am so sorry that Corbin has made his visit to the Er as well. At least no Strep!
come on now, michal. can there really be anything more appealing than YOU? if you weren't such a darn cute mom, then MAYBE you could figure out a way to lure him away... good luck!
Check with Rochelle Wilde. I think I remember Gracie not eating for a long time too. She probably has some good tips.
We miss you.
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