We saw bears, lemurs, and wolves. We played on a really unique playground, played with wind chimes and drums, steered remote control sailboats, played with water pumps, touched clouds and tornadoes, caught "dispersing seeds", and went to the butterfly house.
Ashlyn loved the the sandbox!

Are you sick of my collages yet???

I just can't get enough of my kids!!!
My single car seat stroller has really turned out to be so versatile- it instantly converts into a triple!!!
I wish you liked your kids, I mean really you could take a picture of them every once ina while. Where are the pictures of Corbin though?
looks like you had a blast@
Hilarious stroller pic--hey, whatever works, right?! I am sorry that you guys have to come to the world of humidity and roaches, but I hope you'll come to love the South as much as we do. :-)
Michal - I'm so glad you guys had fun - we loved it, too! Come back and play again soon!! Kendy :)
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