It is hard to tell from the picture but it is our local ER. We are so lucky to have one just 2 minutes down the road from us, and brand-spank'in new!
We got to go see their beautiful radiology room. I got to experience an infant chest x-ray, great for my Child Life profile!
Right now my brother, Nate, is laughing and thinking I am crazy for taking one of my children, AGAIN to the ER. Really I do feel like a frequent visitor of these places as of late (and I have visited them around the country!). However, I have all evidence. A month ago Corbin came down with a cold which ended in an ear infection, no big deal. But he was also having a very hard time breathing. I thought that was in the past until out-of-the-blue, Corbin practically has a breathing attack Thursday night and can't breath. I rush him in, I was frustrated with the lack of rushing from the nurses. But after all the tests, we found that Corbin has pneumonia, and an ear infection. So our fridge is stocked with meds (steroids and antibiotics) and Here is the newest addition to our family...

a nebulizer to give Corbin his breathing treatments. Let's just hope that this is just pneumonia and no indicator of asthma!
So just as we were getting Corbin to sleep through the night, we are back to square one- or are we in the negative seeing as we have no choice but to get up and take care of his wheezing and mom is still trying to make of for the lost night.
oh, i'm so sorry. poor corbin... and poor you! my little nephew has a little asthma and has to do that nebulizer, but not every night, just when he is having trouble. the little mask is so cute though, it has a little face on it, to make it easier, you know. good luck with all that, and i hope it turns out not to be asthma!
So sorry. I'm sure you were anxious to get to know the new ER though. You guys are such frequent visitors. I hope that everything goes well and the treatments work quickly so you all can get back to sleeping. Good luck Corbin.
I am so sorry! Kenley has had so many breathing problems in her little life and of all her ailments, these have been the scariest! I am so glad the ER is so close!
ER's are no fun. I am sorry that your lost sleep too. I can't imagine it's easy finding nap time with 3 children. We'll keep Corbin in our prayers that it's not pneumonia.
awful! do you remember, we had a nebulizer for paul when you were living in boston? (you were my VTer at the time, i believe...) what a nightmare! plus the fact that they can't stand having that noisy air-blowing thing in their face! i'm so sorry! poor little corbin! i hope it passes soon!!!
Wow. So sorry! Good thing you were able to find out the problem, though, and now treat it. Things can only improve, right?
That sucks. How old is he? It is so sad when they are so little and they don't understand why we don't make them better. Good luck. Hope the little guy gets better soon.
How scary! I am so glad that you caught it! I hope he feels better soon! I wish i was there to help!
What the grease! No more ER for you guys...seriously enough. I am so sorry. What a nightmare. The whole breathing thing I think is so scary...when we had to take Carter for the croup it was so scary. I hope that he is getting better though. Seriously, I wish I could help...will keep you in our prayers.
sorry..."we'll" keep you in our prayers.
oh, poor corbin! We'll keep him in our hearts and prayers.
Oh my, you poor thing!
I hate the nebulizer!!! We've had to use it with both kids! I hope he's doing better! about getting your baby to eat... some advice someone gave me..it's a little harsh sounding...but true. Here it is: Your baby won't starve himself, if he's only nursing and refusing everything else...don't let him nurse...at all and eventually he will eat whatever else you offer! Good luck!
Michal - I had NO IDEA Corbin was sick! Poor little guy...I hope he's doing better now. Sorry - no tips for you on the eating "real food" problem...you just must make some good milk. :)
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