1. Make two meals a week from scratch
2. Finally take out my belly ring
3. Limit my blogging to 3 hours a day
4. Go to Church once a month
5. Help put the kids to bed every night

6. Get my warts removed off of the back of my ears
7. Finally quite picking my nose
8. Stop staying up all night and blaming my tired eyes on Corbin
9. Start exercising
10. Stop making Connor wash the dishes EVERY night.
And you thought I would tell you my real New Years Resolutions, then I would feel accountable to you for all of them!!! Actually #10 is a real one. Connor does most of the dishes- isn't he great!
Too funny--I was thinking, "belly ring?!" until I kept reading. Ha ha! Michael does the dishes a lot too--aren't our husbands great?!
You totally had me! I was thinking, "She's got a belly ring?... did I read that right, only going to church once a month? Blogging 3 hours a day?" You are great!
Jeremy is our dishwasher as well! Days when he doesn't do them make me realize how great it is that he does them 90% of the time!
You really had me going there. haha! I was like wow I really don't know her that much, then I read the belly ring and exercise post and knew you were teasing! Great post!
You got me too!
You are a funny girl. I actually believed it for a second here at work and was in shock.
You are funny... I was really happy for a second that you finally WOULD take out your bellybutton ring!
Michal - you really had me going about the belly ring!!!! :) Kendy
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