We traveled out to Mission Viejo and San Clemente, CA for Christmas. All of my immediate family was there visiting my Grandmother and my Aunt. We loved seeing everyone and FINALLY getting a full family picture taken. We also enjoyed running on the beach, playing with the kids, going to the park, swimming in my uncles pool, digging through all of my grandmother's very cool things, and of course- not sleeping. We enjoyed 12 hours of travel on each end (with three young children) as well as a three hour time change that didn't kick in with my kids until the day we returned home. 4am in California is very beautiful!!! It also ends us up with a lot of sleep deprived children!!
We really enjoyed a fairly quiet and relaxing Christmas. We did a live nativity on Christmas eve- as you can see, Connor makes a great Donkey!! And for those of you who haven't heard, this Mary (my newest sister-in-law) really is carrying a child!!!!
And my kids were supposed to be the three wise me. Dylan ended being a shepherd and Ashlyn was the donkey's care taker (dad) and Corbin, well he was a spectator!
Our kids were in Heaven having their cousins around. Dylan especially loved his cousin, Kylie. They were literally inseparable and I think he cried when we left.
I love when my sister, Carrie, red Curious George's Christmas and all the kids were SILENT!!!! She is the best. We sure will miss you!
Connor has put an official ban on traveling. So if anyone wants to see us, you will have to come here (I think the weather was warmer here than in CA!!!!)
For New Years Eve we went to a friend's house for a little party. We eat our hearts out as well as played games galore. We made sure to get home early to be rested for our flight to New Orleans the next day (another reason for the travel ban.)
So now that the holidays are over, you can continue to enjoy reading about ours!
I loved the cute pictures that were "tagged" of you guys on facebook!!! Your family is so ADORABLE! I especially loved the ones of you and Ashlyn:)
He is looking into the MPA program..wants to do city planning. Any advice? Suggestions?
It sounds like you guys had so much fun! CA is the best. I think cousin time wins for best entertainment for kids. I love it when our little cousins are here and they get to spend hours on end just goofing around together! And I was glad the wrestling mat post won... it's for sure my favorite! You can't watch it just once! It's hilarious!
Thanks for taking the "hit" as the last person to ever blog about Christmas! What a fun trip to California, and what cute family pics!
Congrats on going to Cali. I love when we get to go home San Jose and LA. It is so fun to visit. I would never want to raise my kids there though. I love the picture of Connor being a donkey that is hilarious.
Yay for warm christmases! I can't believe how old your kids are getting!
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