1. IF (did you see that- if) it snows it isn't much- NEVER enough to actually shovel and boy do I hate shoveling!
2. Everyone stays home even if it is just one inch- Connor came home half day cause no one was at work
3. The stores were EMPTY - half of them at the mall didn't even open today and the other half where barely staffed because "no one could get to work."
4. They cancel school- wait for it, wait for it- the day BEFORE they are expecting to get a FEW inches of snow!!!!!!
Isn't it great- who wants to come live here???? This is the exact opposite from Cleveland! In Cleveland we would get so much snow we can barely dig ourselves out, yet school is still on and work is too!
So around here they label their winter storms by how many loaves of bread you will need to "get through it." So this was rated a three loaf storm. What can I say????
The snow was irresistible and we finally got out to play in it with the last hour of light left. As you can imagine, the snow was not great. All powder, can't make a snowman, can't make snow balls, can't sled, so what do you do????

Play on the Trampoline!! Boy am I glad I haven't listened to Connor tell me a million times that we should take it down. Did you know that you can make a snow angel on the tramp, then jump a little and it evens out the powdery snow again so you can start fresh for a new one??? Then we ended up getting our fill of sledding!!! I was surprised that my little Ashlyn was the tough cookie here. She would have stayed out forever and the cold snow down her neck and on her face didn't seem to phase here, while Dylan screamed bloody murder at the smallest speck of snow on his face (and of course he was the one dishing the snow balls!)
So here is a video our our kind of sledding (as you can see NC would never get enough for real sledding):
Here is a funny video, excuse the coughing child and the darkness, it is still worth a look:
And we had to make our way to the kitchen for hot chocolate, where I found this:
Another generation of a chocoholic! She is stealing my birthday chocolate!!! She moved her chair over and stole it.
AWW I miss hanging out with you and your kids. They are so cute. I'm so glad you guys had so much fun in the snow, and that you enjoy NC so much. I hope you get to stay here for awhile. Fun FUn. We really should get our family together for dinner or something one of these days.
It's so true--if you live in the south, snow means everyone runs to the store and packs their kitchen and the schools shut down for half an inch. Awesome. I've lived here nearly my whole life but have never heard the "loaf" thing--that's pretty hilarious. We got flurries all day here in Augusta but none stuck, unfortunately.
This is really cute Michal. It is fun to hear how your family is doing. I am going to have to remember that trampoline thing. Unlimited snow angels? Who knew! (oh and PS this is KaraLynne (putnam) Mackrory
Awesome post. I love the chocoholic picture. I always miss the snow... but I only want it for for a couple days. Just enough to go roll around in it. Maybe you can send me some in the mail? =)
That looks like so much fun! You can imagine my surprise the first year we were at BYU that when it snowed you still had to go to class. My roomie Amy got a kick out of telling all her TN roomies to get dressed. She looked at us like we were crazy, but southern culture says if there is a speck, stay in bed.
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