A few weeks ago Corbin burned his right hand pretty bad. We now know that somewhere on the outside of our grill, down low it is pretty hot! Hard way to learn huh! From seeing burns at work I knew that really only time can heal a burn like this. We spent a lot of time taking care of his right hand we didn't notice the left one. The next morning it too was blistered but not quite as bad. So as you can imagine he has been babying his right hand and learning to do a lot with his left hand. We found out he throws almost as well as Dylan did with his left!!

Sadly, after weeks of bandages and ointments he added a few scars to that right hand. He got a pretty good size blood blister right on top of the old blister, then the day after that popped he got a cut from falling and landing on this same hand. He falls all the time (isn't that assumed with a new walker) and catches himself with his hand, but this time it blead profusely!
So, sadly, Corbin has continued to add to his long list of ailments this last year. We are still anxiously awaiting a healthy spell!
OHHH...poor kiddo!!! Just looking at that picture hurts! Thank goodness he has just a happy disposition... give him a kiss for me, will ya?
Poor Corbin, are you going to take him to a children's occupational therapist? It is really important to make sure that he is exercising his hand so that the skin does not heal too thick, or else he might lose some of his dexterity.
His hand looks so sad! Poor little guy! Next year he should be guaranteed a healthy safe year right?!
that makes my heart ache! I remember that so well with Tad, I felt so bad! Poor little guys, but I can't believe how tough little kids are. I think you guys are definitely due for a healthy/non-injury spell.
Oh my goodness, I didn't even recognise that as a hand for a minute! You are such a great mom Michal, you handel everything so well!
SO sad! Poor little boy!
That looks horrible! I feel so bad for the kid! Wow!
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