Last weekend I took a trip back to...

After living there I had hoped that a trip back would be relaxing and enjoyable- especially with no kids. However, Boston is still the crazy city that I left it. I still don't have it figured out. I was there to attend my first Child Life Conference. The generous Seely's put me up!
Thanks a lot you guys! The weather was much better than I had dreamed it could be in May, I got to enjoy a few edifying classes, and a run down the Charles topped it all off!
I also got to see the Christopher's and the Pugh's! I miss you all! And I even got so go see this little guy...

Zachary Christopher. Born April 26th at 25 weeks gestation. What a fighter!
tyler is totally fine... i just forgot to take pictures of him.
Sounds like a fun trip!
Awesome you got to go somewhere by yourself...someday.
Oh how jealous I am! I want to go to Boston. Ok so I did a dumb thing, I accidentally added you as an author instead of a reader to my blog and then erased you so I need your email again. Dumb I know.....
oh my email is
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