Sorry for the graphic picture. This is what my mouth looks like- yep, strep again! This is the third time since Jan 1st of THIS year. And the 8th time in a year and a half. It does not help my chances that I work in a Children's ER. So that is where I picked it up when working on Saturday! So today I scheduled my tonsillectomy. I have been dragging my feet, but as you can see it hasn't done me any good. I am not excited, I have heard recovery it pretty ugly. But will it be better than having strep every 6 weeks, and risking passing it onto my family?
Wow! That looks painful! I hope your surgery goes well! It will be nice when they are gone!!!
oh man! i am so sorry!! i got strep a lot after asher was born. like 3 times in 6 or 8 months, and i had never had it before in my life. i think it was the lack of sleep or something. it is seriously the WORST. nothing is harder than trying to be a mom when he have a fever and are so sick and weak. good luck with the tonsilectomy. hope it all goes well.
I got my tonsils out when I was 16 and the recovery was horrible, but I have NEVER had strept throat again so it was TOTALLY worth it!!!! Good Luck!
I had my tonsils taken out and I did not think it was bad and I was only 18. Plus we all know you are tougher than the entire female population. You will probably go do a triathalon as you walk out the door of the doctors office.
Oh man! I am so sorry for you Michal! I haven't had strep in while, but I can't image what a pain it has been. Here's hoping your future is soon to be permanently strep free!
Youch!! I'm so sorry about the tonsillectomy. Do you remember the young couple (the girl played the organ in church but wasn't super active) who lived on the corner of 100 S. and 500 E. in Provo (how about a blast from the past?!!)--she lived across from that sweet widow Ruth Paskett? Anyway, I remember she had to get a tonsillectomy and it was, as I recall, a fairly miserable recovery...but with your tough constitution, I'm sure you'll do fabulously.
Wow, those babies are big! I'm suprized you haven't had them out earlier (although, yes, I hear recovery is much worse for adults). Good luck! And I didn't know you worked in an ER! Excited to see you soon . . .
Oh man I am sorry about the strep... that is so not fun! I actually wanted to congratulate you on the 5K you did! Not only do you look awesome you are awesome! Good JOB! I wanted to post that under the photos of you doing the 5K but I couldn't get to the bottom of all the 50 comments! Looks like I am not the only one so proud of you!
Good luck with surgery. Is your mom coming out, because you are going to need the help. Congrats on the race. You are amazing and I am a little jealous.
Ouch. I had my tonsils and adenoids out when I was 23. It was a quick surgery. The first week is no problem, but the second week is. It'll hurt because (sorry, graphic) the scabs come off. You'll need a little help. But the best thing you can do is keep drinking water CONSTANTLY. I am SOO glad I did it. I rarely even get a sore throat anymore! I'd do it over again in a heartbeat for the results. Strep hurts way worse than the recovery!
Michal, that's just gross. Get them out! The sooner the better!
Is that really a mouth!?!?! Poor kid.
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