So a little bit about my mom:
I won't say how old she is but she doesn't look it. She worked hard to gain a Masters in Physical Therapy, one that would bless her throughout her life. She taught me that education is important. She met my dad on the Ballroom dance team at BYU. She served over 20 years in the Army. I loved bragging to my friends that my MOM was in the army! She is now serving as the RS president in her ward. I know this is because she has such a big heart. I have NEVER heard her complain or judge anyone. She is an amazing athlete- she has done countless triathlons and always wins her Gender/age category. She even organizes a triathlon group in her ward and an actual triathlon for them! She loves her family with all her heart- I am grateful for all that she sacrificed to be home with us and she was an amazing mother! I am so glad I had an example like her so that I can be a good mother. My mother is a convert- her dedication and decision to be baptized meant that her father would disown her for a few years. However, we know her example then has won him over today! I am grateful for the gospel in my life because of the hard decisions she made. She is never afraid to try new things (she went out and learned how to windsurf) and to do things on her own. She kept up with my dad in all the hiking, backpacking, camping, canoeing, kayaking he did and even with all the little kids. She was constantly fixing things and doing things my dad would have done when he didn't have the time. I have so many wonderful memories of family vacations, bedtime talks and teaching moments with my mom growing up. All four of her kids are successful and accomplished people- a great feat and I know it is because of her. She has made it possible for me to look forward to the future with excitement.

As you can see I have an amazing mom and her talents are endless. I am grateful for the woman she is and the spiritual strength that she has to endure all the trials in her life. She is a party to be around and I love her dearly!
Hear, hear! I love your mom too! I got a totally sweet deal when i married Nate, a good husband and the BEST Mom-in-law ever!
Wow, she sounds are a chip off the old block, apparently.
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