It's official! At 4:03 am at UNC Women's Hospital in Chapel Hill, NC, our little girl was born. She is 7 lbs. 9 ounces and has really big mouth like her brother Dylan when he was born. The greatest thing is that Michal's delivery was the best one yet, meaning she only had a minor tear and her recovery will be very quick. We left our house at a little after midnight when contractions were averaging 3 minutes apart. We got to the hospital about 30 minutes later (I was going 80 or 90 most of the way!) and we got her admitted. It seemed like the baby was going to come quickly like Corbin did, but we got her the epidural and that made everything better. Michal was able to take it slowly and there was little to no pain. She kept telling me things like "why didn't I do this (the epidural) before? what was I thinking?" Anyway, I know I rarely post on the blog, but I figured today would be as good as any. It's perfect timing too because Michal's parents are coming tomorrow! She will be released from the hospital tomorrow as well. I'm sure Michal will follow this up with a post of her own. Everything seemed to work perfectly for the delivery to go smoothly. We left the house at the right time, they got her the epidural at the right time, we had a great mid-wife and nurse on call, and the baby and mom are healthy. The only issue I have is that she was born on tax day, but I guess we can use our tax refunds in the future for her birthday presents. A name is forthcoming...
CONGRATS! She is adorable!! Can't wait to hear the name!
Congratulations! Can't wait to see more pictures. I'm glad your mom and dad are coming soon!
She is so cute! I'm excited to find out the name. Congratulations!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! We are so happy she is finally here. Michal you look great. She is so cute can't wait to hear her name and hold her. We love you guys!
She is beautiful just like her Mama and sister! Congratulations! I am glad everyone is healthy! Can't wait to see more pics!
Yay!! We're so happy for you. She's beautiful. :)
Oh she is so darling! She looks just the others...cute as can be. That's so funny she has a big mouth like Dylans! I love that...he was so cute! I'm so glad that she is here and that it went well and that you are both feeling okay. Keep resting! We'll call you soon. Yay!!! I'm so excited for you guys!!!! Especially you Michal...it's over! You aren't pregnant anymore!! We love you guys!!!
Congrats! I'm glad she finally decided to arrive and all went well.
Yahoo! Welcome baby! So glad you are both doing awesome. What a sweetie.
Congrats! She is a beauty. So glad your parents get to see her the whole time!
Congratulations! She's beautiful!
yeah! Congratulations
She's beautiful Michal!! Congratulations! Enjoy having her in your arms!
CONGRATS!! i'm so glad everything went well. see, it was bound to get better as you had more babies! ;)
Congratulations! she is beautiful. I can't wait to hear the name.
hooray! congrats! i'm glad labor went so well. can't wait for more pics and to find out what you names your sweet girl!
Congratulations! We're so happy for you guys. Glad everything went well, and we're excited to hear the name. Congratulations again!
Congratulations!! What a cutie!!
Everyone else said it all: Congratulations! What a wonderful blessing! We are so happy for you all.
COngrats! Glad to hear all went wll. She is darling.
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