I DID NOT want to go anywhere today, especially church. But sitting at home would have caused more regret than it was worth. And of course, I got what I expected... 1/2 of people asked me "what are you doing here?" (Really, that made me rethink my decision) and another 1/4 of them say "aren't you going to pop?" (obviously, these are the men- like that is even possible!! But sadly, I wish it were.) So then the last 1/4 start to tell me how they went into labor, assuming that by some small chance I might have the same experience, which is highly doubtful because I don't even know how I go into labor. Then the last 1/4 (are you enjoying my math yet) of people try to give me advice on how to induce labor- I sit there and just smile because I have literally tried them all (from jumping on the trampoline to moping the floor on all fours.) They don't work! And if they worked for you, I believe that it just so happened that you were going to go into labor anyway!
So as I sat there feeling sorry for myself I truly wished I had the same powers as this Incredible:
In that case I would use my invisibility powers from now until I go into labor (preferably right at this very moment.) Then I would not have to face the people I know, who keep telling me the very obvious- that I am still pregnant. And I would also not have to face the hundreds of people that give me terribly funny looks in the stores due to my hugeness! Really, they give me that "how is that even possible" look, or the "dang that sucks" look. Oh, and I could then start calling my mom again without her asking me if I am in labor yet.

I have come to a scientific conclusion, that there is NOTHING you can say to a woman who is "over due" to make her feel better- at least I haven't heard it. Kadi, my sister-in-law, wrote me an email that is the closest thing I have to comfort, especially knowing that she knows EXACTLY how I feel.
And in the weirdest way, going over a "due date" makes me dramatically less optimistic and I now feel like SHE will never come out, which is utterly impossible, but exactly how I feel. I feel extra anxious because of medical complications I have had birthing in the past. Sadly, this is not my first time being overdue!
So to all those women out there who go over due- you are my heroes!
Also, to the right is our name poll. Let me know what name you like for this little girl.
Alexis was only 2 days late, but Ella was a nice 11 days late. It is miserable, but still it all turned out just fine. Good luck! Can't wait to see pics of her!
I feel ya girl. My children don't come on time either.
i'm so sorry michal. i have no words of encouragement for you. but i can't wait for you to be done with this pregnancy for your sake, and mine, cuz i wanna see the little munchkin!! good luck, whenever your body decides to do it's thing!!
I didn't know you were so spunky! The last few posts have helped me get to know you on a whole new level! :)
I hope she comes soon for your sake! She is going to be gorgeous... and you will forget all about the pain you are going through once she's in your arms. But you already know that.
Good luck!
Michal, hang in there. Miracles can happen. Brooklyn was overdue and I was miserable in our lovely Boston humidity. maybe take all your kids to a waterpark...seemed to work for me? : ) Only joking. I'll send you good thoughts and pray for you. Keep us posted. And you are not huge, you are beautiful! love ya, brianne
I was late with both mine...Lainey 6 days, Brady 4. No advice, just waiting for her arrival with you. At least we know it won't last forever, right? Lots of luck to you!
I feel you friend. And thank goodness for blogs where you can vent. I have never gone into labor, but being the impatient soul I am, don't wait for it either. I am pushing lots of going into labor karma your direction...And waiting with you to hear the good news.
May I also note, that this is the first of many times they won't do what you want them to. Ironic, huh?
I was lucky because when I was overdue with Kate it was general conference so I didn't have to talk to anyone. (She was 8 days late.) Hang in there -- it'll be over soon.
Kamryn is the name that most fits with your others. And know that I adore you.
This is the best description of people's unwanted advice/questions that I have heard. I read it a loud to REid. It is amazing that people think it's okay to say those things to you. Hang in there!!
Dillon was 11 days late and I walked into work on my due date and my co workers were wondering why I was there. I pointed to my belly and said he has not come out yet. I wasn't bothered by the fact that he hadn't arrived yet. I knew he would come and it wasn't his time yet.
Sending going into labor vibes... Right...NOW
I HATE GOING TO CHURCH IN MY LAST TRIMESTER OF PREGNANCY!!! The men are truly the worst. I once had a guy ask if I craved anything more than to be able to see my toes again. Seriously? Where was his wife with a purse to hit him with?
haha, I guess I should've read your blog before I called you today. Sorry about that!!!
yOu are gonna make it! And you hit the nail right on the head about being over due - its like that stupid date turns everything into a bit of a ticking time bomb and on top of it people act like they might set it off just looking at you too long or talking loudly. You are beautiful and are going to do fantastic! Our suggestion for a name is Tessa. but I like your names too.
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