On a typical day it all begins with changing into clothes from PJ's. She is very opinionated as to what she wants to wear (as you can see from the photo, she picked it all out herself!- we need to work on matching) But it doesn't take long for her clothes to come off- for various reason as "needing" a bath, "TRYING" to go potty, or (the one I hate most) prancing around the house naked just for the fun of it. She still pees on the floor, so I can't let this kind of entertainment go on for very long, even though it is very cute (oh, those chubby legs and bum.) However, the problem lies in that she RARELY (okay, NEVER) puts back on her same clothes. She insists that she has to find something newto wear. The problem is that I already gave in once (but since it has escalated), so I guess I already dug my hole. So I am constantly trying to pick up clothes all over the house and put them back. She can take off her own clothes and even her own diaper. So the question is- how do you keep clothes on a toddler? I don't have time to take care of and infant and chase her around screaming "get back here and put on your diaper!"
So while Ashlyn goes through 20 outfits a day, there is Dylan, who is still wearing the same thing every day! We recently had a primary activity that was a pajama party. So now he truly believes there is NO good reason not to wear his pajamas all day long (thank you Cami!) I am not kidding- he wears is Cars pajamas EVERY DAY! The battle with him now is not getting him to wear warm clothes when we leave the house, it is changing into real clothes. He will then come home, strip out of this clothes and put his pajamas back on. I did laundry today and all that was in his folded pile were pajamas!
Don't you love it? Does Ashlyn have any dress-ups? It seems like Kate changed her clothes a lot until she got some dressups and then that's all she wanted to wear (but we have a rule that dress-ups go on top of clothes). Good luck! I'm glad that Jack only takes off his pants.
That is so funny~! Kenley is constantly trying to take her clothes off:) She is getting better by the day sadly enough. Today I had just changed her diaper and before I had the chance to put a new one on she got away and ran into the kitchen. She peed all over the floor, ran back to the living room and before I could clean it up she slipped and fell on her head. It was so sad but kind of funny too:)
That is so cute. Ellie has never done that, but both Ellie and Abby LOVE to dress up and wear princess shoes, have their hair done different a couple of times a day. That is definitely a lot of adventure for you in one day with three kiddos.
I think it comes with girl territory. Luckily, Kate still is just walking around pants-less. I don't know what you should do. I am reading the happiest toddler on the block though, as you suggested. I'll let you know if I come across anything!-Megg
Two words - duct tape. That should help keep the clothes on (you have to make complete loops so the tape is stuck to itself and not just the clothes). I'm not really speaking from experience, but I've imagined doing it.
It does my heart good to hear that Ashlyn is a fashionista! Molly is the exact same way and I get sooo tired of picking up her various outfits. If Caitlyn is over, it's a regular fashion show in Molly's closet!! Her closet always looks great because I have to put everything back in it almost every day! Even still, Jack is my most opinionated child when it comes to fashion.
Okay, a couple of thoughts. #1)let her wear whatever she wants OVER the original outfit?? Friend does this and her daughter eventually stopped trying to put something else on. At our house, Lainey HAS TO wear dress up clothes over her regular stuff (more about modesty than a battle with clothing, but...) #2) I know how to keep a diaper on. Put it on backwards. Put the velcro tabs on her back instead of her tummy. Maybe then she won't pee on the floor? Good luck. I'm pretty sure it would drive me bonkers too!
Your kids are such characters! I absolutely love them!
Since you've taken up writing, you should write a book about your life as a mom. It would be a best seller.
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