So I hit 6 weeks and got my OK. We had a sunny day (notice I did not say nice, sunny day because sunny was all it was.) So I decided I should try to head out for a run while it wasn't pouring rain or snow. However, we still have inches of snow. So here is a window into my adventure:
I am trying to get ready- trying to remember all the things I need (yes, it has been that long since I have been on a run.) I am out the door thinking that I did pretty well- the watch, the ipod, the three layers, the headband, the gloves. However, I forgot my ipod clip and my heal cups- oh well. For half my run there are no shoveled walks, so I run in the street and get pushed over into the puddles near the curb with each passing car- leaving a trail of dirty water up my backside! Now, I really thought I would be warm enough in three layers- I could have used another one, and maybe a hat! I decided to run to CVS (again, I am a great multitasker and thought I could get some half-and-half for dinner and deodorant for Connor at the same time as I run.) The closest CVS store is not that far- but it felt far. I forget how hard it is to get back into shape! And of course I try to start out where I left off and then kill myself. I just wish I could run with a sign that says Baby Fat On Board so that everyone would know why I was running so slow. But I have to be more humble and get over it! I also learned I am not a long jummper, because I could barely jump over all those piles of plowed snow! I also felt like I was training on those tire courses that you see football players run through, with all the snow spots!
So I felt good when I was in CVS, but realized I also forgot my Kleenex! And they didn't have just one I could use. But then I went outside and the windchill reminded me how not good I felt. I was also now carrying a pint of half-and-half. By the end of my run I was wishing I could trade it for my double jogger with kids! I didn't take long for all those body parts to start hurting, the ones you forget you use when running- my toes, and hip flexors! Oh boy, it didn't take long for things to start getting sore!
But all in all it helps me remember how wonderful it is to finally get in shape! So looking forward to something- a half or full marathon or a triathlon. I have to find a tripple jogger first- anyone???
1 day ago
You're amazing going running already! I hate getting back into shape after having a baby. I think triple jogging strollers are so cool. But I'm sure they get really heavy. I've never seen anyone run with them, but I'm sure it would be great workout. I'd much rather run without my kids!
way to go michal! i've been playing with the idea of getting out to go running. i am actually itching to get out, but i am so tired, especially in the morning when it would be best to go. Maybe in another week or two.
you'll have to let me know what race you decide to do. especially if you do a marathon in the fall sometime, as we will be back east, and i am looking for one to do out there. i might try to get into the nyc marathon, i hear it's SUPER fun, lots of crowds and cheering.
i was surprised to find that they have triple joggers. they don't look too bad, just a little pricey. you would for sure be in great shape after pushing one of those babies!!
You are so ambitious!!! I can't even run when I am in shape. Way to go:)
I know how you feel. Getting back to exercise after Kate was born took me about 3 months. I was really consistently going to the gym three times a week, going between 2 and 3 miles a day, but then at Thanksgiving and the holiday, I quit. Life was too hectic! I am back on track now, but I had to start all the way back at square one. It's amazing how good exercising is once you get past the initial pain of it all.
About your stroller situation... do you think that Dylan could ride a bike, while you push the other two. It might be slow, but it would be easier to maneuver than the triple jogging stroller. Yikes! Funny story! We always have the best intentions right?
Oh Michal,
You are a crazy girl. I started running at 3 weeks after Abby because I was feeling great. Then, that stopped when I had to go back to work. That is awesome that you are so ambitious. Can you bottle that ambition and send some to me?
Michal Michal Michal! Way to go! Brianne and I were saying that if you ran the 1/2 marathon with us in New HAmpshire you would probably beat us...even though we've been training since January...and you gave birth in January. You are amazing!
you go, girl. looks like moving to MN won't be that bad for me, 'cause i'm no runner. so at least the snow won't be a problem for me like it is for you! :) whatever to the baby fat thing. it's probably all stored in your pinkey. and i'm sure you were an awesome runner compared to 95% of the drivers that passed you! (why does this comment make me sound like i'm not a native english speaker? yikes, it's too late here!)
way to show up the girl that hasn't even had kids. Honestly, what is my problem!?! Seriously, I scrape myself and it's an excuse not to go running. I wish you were here! I would definitely go running with you. You'd be the only thing that would motivate me to get my lazy butt of the couch and into running shoes. :)
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