We found out a couple months ago that there was a band in the ward. Ironically they needed a drummer. Lucky for us they all came over last week to finally get it started. I can't tell you how much better the drums sound accompanied by a few guitars. And boy was I having fun jamm'in out to their great songs from upstairs (the drummer's house is always the host.) So for the next few months (before one of the members graduates from Dental school) we get to have a weekly jam session in our basement. I am pumped, I don't know who is more excited Connor or I. I really think they would do great playing for a youth dance or something. However, if my hubby is in the band, that means I don't get to dance with him. But I guess I can be a giddy fan on the side instead. Can you imagine Connor rock'in out with his long hair in high school! What a site that would have been!
I love the idea of having a rock band in your house. It's awesome! Looks like ya'll are doing good, don't be too envious of our weather though, yesterday we got more snow. Crazy! Is it just me or does this seem the eternal winter? -Megg
Ummm, how did we live next door to you for a couple of years and not know that Connor plays drums? Did you know Matt plays guitar? He's in a bishopric now and his bishop is trying to convince him and a few other guys to form a band here- called "The Bishopric". Ha!
So glad to see you have a blog! Your kids are darling- Can you believe we have 4 year olds?? We have a blog, too, but it's private (we went private after I got jumped and I was feeling extra cautious in every area of my life) so I'll send you an invite. I've got links for the Tripps, Forbes, & Campbells...
I'm so glad to know what you guys are up to now- we like to happily reminisce about all the fun car rides we took with you guys in all your cool cars back in the Provo days!
TTFN, Kendra Cope
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