I thought my potty training luck must have run out on Dylan and I was dead set on the fact that Ashlyn would be a night mare. She also has had a bad record of letting it go on the carpet and wanting to go potty when she doesn't need to. However, Thursday she practically went poo on her own and I was also running out of diapers. Now is as good as any, I thought. So we have stepped into the world of underwear (well actually I got her underwear 6 months ago when she first was interested in the potty.) But this time I think it has stuck. The only accidents she really has had was largely my own- I often forget I am potty training her. It is helpful for her pants to be off so I remember what she is wearing underneath! So here were are four days later and she will take herself to the potty- well at least a few times!
So to sum it all up, either I am an AMAZING potty trainer (hidden talent) or we must have a good potty gene in our family. Either way, I don't think the are worth gloating about. I hope this all doesn't come back to bite me because it is premature.
I would have to say she sure does look cute in underwear- still chunky with baby fat and all!! Talk about wanting to squeeze some checks! Now I have two kids that I want to do that to!!!
YeA!!! That gives me faith that I will be able to potty train Kenley around 2... Wish me luck:) I am glad it is going well so far.
I am so jealous of you! Jaxon is going to be a nightmare I can just tell! You need to give me tips! Jaxon went poo on the carpet today after getting him out of the tub. He's clueless
Yeah Ashlynn! How exciting!
Congrats! (Not pre-mature I know, she'll stick with it!) Any child that you don't have to buy diapers for is a miracle.
Hey do you by chance know Kathryn Santistevin? I was reading her blog and saw a comment from an old Boston friend named Michal and I thought there just couldn't be another? Or is it?
YEA! You want to come use that hidden talent of yours to potty train William?
the question is: will ashlyn want to wear dylan's boy underwear? or is she growing into girliness? way to go with the training! it's a gift, not genes. i'm not surprised you have major skills in even another department!
Does she know me!?! We were friends before we even came to earth! :)
Way to go on the P.T.!! You're pretty amazing. Weren't you the one that told me about the whistling theory? The idea that you can potty train a small baby to use the toilet by whistling. I'm going to use that theory when I have kids... that way, I'll be able to potty train my kids faster than you! Mhaaaawwwwwahhahhahahaah. No just kidding, but I would like to be able to do just one (numero uno) thing as well as you. It's too bad I'm choosing potty training, especially since I don't have kids and it's a pretty lame thing to pick, considering that you're good at everything. Okay, I take that back. I'll think of something else I'd like to do as well as you and then get back to you.
I'm sorry to use your wall-post for personal reasons, but...
Hi Tasha! How are you?? What a small world!
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