I strongly dislike carving pumpkins.
I am sure you have all now labeled me as a Halloween scrooge.

This year we enjoyed hammering golf tees to make polk-a-dot pumpkins and painted a few to mimic candy corn. Since Nate and Leslie had to leave their pumpkins here from their visit (another future post), we had enough to make a snowman pumpkin! No melting!
Every year, Genworth has trick-or-treating at the office- LOVE IT! It is warm, not dark and the kids can't run too far ahead. This is my kind of trick-or-treating. (Someday, when the kids are older, my true halloween spirit will come out! You'll see!) They then serve ice cream. Kinda weird. Don't you think that is a little overkill on the sugar? Who's complaining?
Dylan was Jay Ninjago...
Depending on the night Ashlyn was either a princess or a fairy...
Corbin wanted to be a fairy too. I didn't have to do too much persuading after I slipped in the Incredibles movie. He was the perfect Dash...
Kamryn played an especially cute octopus...
Seeing her walk was the cutest!