1.What is his name? Connor, but his first and real name is Lincoln
2.Who eats more? I could put up a good fight, but I shouldn't
3.Who said I love you first? Ya know, I have no idea
4.Who's taller? All of you who know me, know that answer!
5.Who is smarter? Definitely Connor, that was one reason why I married him
6.Who is more sensitive? Maybe Connor- his sisters taught him well. But I really take the lead when I am pregnant
7.Who does the laundry? Me, I enjoy it, but I make him fold his own socks
8.Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me
9.Who does the bills? Me
10.Who cooks more? Me. But Connor makes some mean breakfasts and Japanese dishes
11.What meals do you cook together? Zip- how do you make anything together with three kids??
12.Who is more stubborn? We can both say it is me, but I know Connor is he just does what he has been told to do and tells me I am always right
13.Who is the first to admit they're wrong? Connor but it takes him longer to really get over it- weird huh
14.Who has more siblings? Connor- wins by three!
15.Who wears the pants in the relationship? We both wear one pant leg
16.What do you like to do together? play with the kids, be kids, dance, sing, play tennis, eat desert, watch movies, play cards, exercise
17.Who eats more sweets? Again I win this by a landslide!
18.Guilty pleasures? Eating deserts after the kids go to bed and staying up late and then taking turns sleeping in

19.How did you meet? In the biggest class at BYU- he sat down right next to me the first day and had to get my number or else we might never have met again.
20.Who asked who out first? Connor asked me to "study"
21.Who kissed who first? Of course he kissed me
22.Who proposed? Connor did, I was so mad at him, then I realized what he was doing!
23.His best features? If there was anyone close to perfection- that is why I picked him, but I do love his cheeks for some reason
24.What is his greatest quality? He does everything with his whole heart- he loves me, his kids, the gospel, he supports me in all my endeavors and he excels in everything he puts his mind to
25.Tag... everyone who wants to gloat about their amazing husbands!
Good job, Michal, you fixed your title to get it back on one line. What was the secret? Well, I have to say we're glad that Connor is around. He's a great brother-in-law/husband/father.
your header looks great! the monkey took me three movies to make. i've worked on it the past few nights. it could be done a lot faster, but you know how it is when you do something while watching a movie. it was really easy thought and the only tricky part was sewing it closed and flipping it around. i had to unpick the arms once to get them in right.
and i love the conner post. ty doesn't get enough face time on our blog. i should do the same for him.
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