Dylan is really good at pushing it and going...
But usually ends up here...
All because he is going way too fast (all of you who know him, know what I mean.)
And here he is mastering the monkey bars. I can't tell you how many times he cried over the monkey bars. He wanted SO badly to get all the way across and all by HIMSELF. If I even took a step close to him he would insist he had to start over. And then when his hands got all sweaty and slippery, well he fell apart! But he did it! Funny kid!
Any my cutie (with her booboo nose), who is to brave at the park...
Here she is swinging before she goes down the slide... (she also hangs on all by herself on thos zipline things.)
And just another picture for my benefit- aren't they adorable!!!
such a sad nose. :( and, yes, your kids are adorable!
I'm jealous that you got to go to the park. It's freezing here! I love Dylan's athleticism.
Too cute. I love the park! it is finally cooling off here in texas and it's so much fun to go. today i was really tempted to take ethan down the slide... but not quite adventurous enough.
maybe next time.
I love the last picture! We have snow everywhere! Looks like a really fun park!
What cute kids!!
Ryan found out he has off Tuesday till the weekend of Thanksgiving! We are going to head down on Tuesday. We can't wait to see you guys!
You are lucky you have great weather! I loved your Halloween costumes. I might have to copy that next year since we have the 2 boys 1 girl thing! Thanks for your shot tips...I only wish I had them yesterday!! Maybe you should write a book about stuff like that!
Dylan and Jaxon are identical! Jaxon is so coordinated (he did not get that from me!) He always has to try the most challenging things at the park! Are you guys coming in for Thanksgiving? This is random but my mom wants to know what the colors of your house are... She's thinking ahead for christmas.
They are so cute. Looks like you are super busy.
Hi Michal! I linked to your blog via a comment you left on Carrie's. From your scrolling pictures, I see that you're still running (referring specifically to the one where you have a runner's number taped to your running clothes). Glad to see! Me... not so much. My sole form exercise these days comes from my Wii Fit, which I try to use faithfully (mostly for yoga and aerobics), but life is pretty busy with school and stuff. Anyway, just wanted to say hi!
Michal, I'm in dental school in Cleveland. I don't know how far Wickliffe is from here, but I see you used to live there. I spoke to Jason and Marilyn Kiene about you at church today. Funny how small such a big country can seem. I'm almost half-way through dental school, but I try not to think about how long it is. Gugh. Kisses are absolutely best from Kat for two reasons: she has bigger lips, and I usually don't have to wipe up afterward. I don't want to know what is left on my face when Lily kisses me. So, Kat and I both decided that you contribute absolutely zero genes to your kids' looks. Funny how that works...
Incredibly sadly, no, I didn't see Joseph. Our vacation coincided with the play very very badly. One of the girls in my primary class was in it though, Emmy Chipman. Nate Johnson rings a bell, but I don't think I know him. He's a 4th year? Which ward were you in? Cleveland 3rd, Mayfield, or Euclid? If you were in Mayfield, that's bad. That means we were in the same BUILDING!
Ps. I just added you as facebook friend. If you're on we can chat for a bit.
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