Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cotton Hammer

This great guy came to visit... Connor's Cousin/best friend, Scott Hammer, came. He was in town for a wedding but we got a few days to enjoy him first. For some reason Ashlyn started calling him "Cotton Hammer" and it stuck. So to celebrate the occasion of our visitor we decided to take a trip to the beach.

This sums up how we all felt about it...
Camp site...
Kamryn did so well at the beach- maybe she didn't care for the wind... Professional sandcastle maker and cutie...
There were a few moments that we suddenly realized Dylan had vanished and as we looked around we saw this...
The kid would just have a sudden urge to run, the need for speed!

There was a lot of this...
Dylan was glued to Hammer. Actually all the kids were. They could barely let him shower alone. They were fighting over who got to sit by him and who got to play with him.

Future Mormon bay watch girl...
My favorite pic because it sums up how relaxing it was... The water was too enjoyable, we couldn't get enough...
I mean this kid is too cute... We never got tired of jumping over the waves and running from them...
I was surprised that Dylan enjoyed body surfing so much, salt and all...
Pretending to be fish...
By the end of the day we were toast (literally.)
Thanks Hammer for coming to visit and putting up with us and our crazy kids!


katie k said...

I love that little tent Kamryn is under! I also love your swim suit! :)

Amber said...

That looks super fun! How close are you guys to the beach? You have an amazing smile, Michal.

Mandy said...

What a pretty beach. I didn't know you could get in the water there. I thought it would have been freezing.

The Coxes said...

How fun!! Is "Cotton" related to Jarrett Hammer? I knew him in high school. Kendy :)

Robyn said...

That tent thing is so awesom-looking, and practical! I love it. And Yay for Beaches!